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Dr. William B. Keeling

William B. Keeling, MD

Dr. William B. Keeling is a cardiac surgeon who focuses on acquired adult diseases. His clinical interests include complex reoperative cardiac surgery as well as aortic surgery.


  • Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
  • Surgery

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Thoracic Surgery


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: University of Louisville School of Medicine
  • Residency: University of South Florida

Honors & Awards

National PERT Consortium Board of Director


Maxey TS, Keeling WB. Another Piece in the Puzzle. Crit Care. 2005 Feb;9(1):27-28.

Stone PA, Armstrong PA, Bandyk DF, Keeling WB, Flaherty SK, Shames ML, Johnson BL, Back MR. The value of duplex surveillance after open and endovascular popliteal aneurysm repair. J Vasc Surg.2005 Jun;41(6):936-941.

Blazick E, Keeling WB, Armstrong P, Letson D, Back M. Pseudoaneurysm of the superficial femoral artery associated with osteochondroma-a case report. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2005 Jul-Aug;39(4):355-358.

Keeling WB, Haines K, Stone PA, Armstrong PA, Murr MM, Shames ML. Current indications for preoperative inferior vena cava filter insertion in patients undergoing surgery for morbid obesity. Obes Surg. 2005 Aug;15(7):1009-1012.

Stone PA, Back MR, Armstrong PA, Flaherty SK, Keeling WB, Johnson BL, Shames ML, Bandyk DF. Midfoot Amputations Expand Limb Salvage Rates for Diabetic Foot Infections. Ann Vasc Surg. 2005 Nov;19(6):805-811.

Maxey TS, Keeling WB, Sommers KE. Surgical alternatives for the palliation of heart failure: a prospectus. J Card Fail. 2005 Dec;11(9):670-676.

Keeling WB, Armstrong PA, Stone PA, Bandyk DF, Shames ML. An overview of matrix metalloproteinases in the pathogenesis and treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2005 Nov-Dec;39(6):457-464.

Keeling WB, Osborne D, Luckey N, Rakita S, Zervos EE. Bleeding Gastric Varices and a Mesenteric Fibroma in a Gravid Patient. Surg Rounds. 2006 Mar;29(3):117

Maxey TS, Fernandez LG, Reece TB, Keeling WB, Kron IL, Laubach VE. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is essential for postpneumonectomy compensatory vasodilation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006 Apr;81(4):1234-1238.

Maxey TS, Bradner MW, Reece TB, Keeling WB, Kron IL. Coarctation of a right aortic arch. J Card Surg. 2006 May-Jun;21(3):261-263.

Keeling WB, Garrett JR, Vohra N, Maxey TS, Blazick E, Sommers KE. Bedside modified Clagett procedure for empyema after pulmonary resection. Am Surg. 2006 Jul;72(7):627-630.

Keeling WB, Stone PA, Armstrong PA, Kearney H, Klepczyk L, Blazick E, Back MR, Johnson BL, Bandyk DF, Shames ML. Increasing endovascular intervention for claudication: impact on vascular surgery resident training. J Endovasc Ther. 2006 Jul-Aug;13(4):507-513.

Stone PA, Armstrong PA, Bandyk DF, Keeling WB, Flaherty SK, Shames ML, Johnson BL, Back MR. Duplex ultrasound criteria for femorofemoral bypass revision. J Vasc Surg. 2006 Sep;44(3):496-501.

Keeling WB, Armstrong PA, Stone PA, Zweibel BR, Kudryk BT, Johnson BL, Back MR, Bandyk DF, Shames ML. Risk factors for recurrent hemorrhage after successful mesenteric arterial embolization. Am Surg. 2006 Sep;72(9):802-6; discussion 806-807.

Keeling WB, Lewis V, Blazick E, Maxey TS, Garrett JR, Sommers KE. Routine Evaluation for Aspiration Following Thoracotomy for Pulmonary Resection. Ann Thorac Surg. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007 Jan;83(1):193-196.

Keeling WB, Shames ML, Stone PA, Armstrong PA, Johnson BL, Back MR, Bandyk DF. Plaque excision with the Silverhawk catheter: Early results in patients with claudication or critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg. 2007 Jan;45(1):25-31.

Keeling WB, Maxey TS, Sayad D, Martini N, Blazick E, Sommers KE. A novel stentless mitral valve. Surg Innov. 2007 Mar;14(1):9-11.

Keeling WB, Hackmann AE, Colter ME, Stone PA, Johnson BL, Back MR, Bandyk DF, Shames ML. MF-tricyclic inhibits growth of experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms. J Surg Res. 2007 Aug;141(2):192-195.

Klepczyk L, Keeling WB, Stone PA, Shames ML. Superior mesenteric artery stent fracture producing stenosis and recurrent chronic mesenteric ischemia: case report. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2008 Feb-Mar;42(1):79-81.

Roland SK, Keeling WB, Gunasekaran S, Shapiro DH. Is it safe to eat sushi? Bowel obstruction related to anisakiasis. Surg Rounds. 2008 March; 31(3):105-108.

Keeling WB, Stone PA, Klotch DW, Johnson BL, Shames ML. Ring around the carotid: an illustration of the surgical approach to the high carotid artery injury. J Trauma. 2008 Sep;65(3):E28-31.

Keeling WB, Myers AR, Stone PA, Heller L, Widen R, Back MR, Johnson BL, Bandyk DF, Shames ML. Regional Antibiotic Delivery for the Treatment of Experimental Prosthetic Graft Infections. J Surg Res. 2009 Dec;157(2):223-226. Epub 2008 Aug 14.

Keeling WB, Kerendi F, Chen EP. Total Aortic Arch Replacement for the Treatment of Kommerell’s Diverticulum in a Jehovah’s Witness. Journal of Cardiac Surgery. J Card Surg. 2010 May;25(3):333-335. Epub 2010 Mar 11.

Keeling WB, Hernandez JM, Lewis V, Czapla M, Zhu W, Garrett JR, Sommers KE. Increased Age is an Independent Risk Factor for Radiographic Aspiration and Laryngeal Penetration Following Thoracotomy for Pulmonary Resection. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 May 26.

Keeling WB, Miller DL, Lam GT, Kilgo P, Miller JI, Mansour KA, Force SD. Low Mortality After Treatment for Esophageal Perforation: A Single-Center Experience. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010 Nov;90(5):1669-1673; discussion 1673.

Keeling WB, Halkos ME, Puskas JD. Management of Patients with a Calcified Aorta or Low Ejection Fraction Undergoing Multi-Vessel Coronary Revascularization. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Autumn;22(3):250-252.

Thourani VH, Keeling WB, Guyton RA, Dara A, Hurst SD, Lattouf OM. Outcomes of off-pump aortic valve bypass surgery for the relief of aortic stenosis in adults. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Jan;91(1):131-136.

Thourani VH, Sarin EL, Keeling WB, Kilgo PD, Guyton RA, Dara AB, Puskas JD, Chen EP, Cooper WA, Vega JD, Morris CD, Lattouf OM. Long-Term Survival for Patients with Preoperative Renal Failure Undergoing Bioprosthetic or Mechanical Valve Replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Apr;91(4):1127-1134. Epub 2011 Feb 25.

Thourani VH, Keeling WB, Kilgo PD, Puskas JD, Lattouf OM, Chen EP, Guyton RA. The impact of body mass index on morbidity and short- and long-term mortality in cardiac valvular surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Mar 28.

Padala M, Keeling WB, Guyton RA, Thourani VH. Innovations in therapies for heart valve disease. Circ J. 2011 Apr 25;75(5):1028-1041. Epub 2011 Apr 9.

Thourani VH, Keeling WB, Sarin EL, Guyton RA, Kilgo PD, Dara AB, Puskas JD, Chen EP, Cooper WA, Vega JD, Morris CD, Halkos ME, Lattouf OM. Impact of Preoperative Renal Dysfunction on Long-Term Survival for Patients Undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Apr 30.

Keeling WB, Leshnower BG, Thourani VH, Kilgo PS, Chen EP. Outcomes following redo sternotomy for aortic surgery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2012 Apr 3.

Keeling WB, Kilgo PD, Puskas JD, Halkos ME, Lattouf OM, Guyton RA, Thourani VH. Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting attenuates morbidity and mortality for patients with low and high body mass index. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 Oct 16.

Fensterer TF, Keeling WB, Patibandla PK, Pushpakumar S, Perez-Abadia G, Bauer P, Soni CV, Anderson GL, Maldonado C. Stabilizing endothelium of donor hearts with fusogenic liposomes reduces myocardial injury and dysfunction. J Surg Res. 2012 Oct 30.

Keeling WB, Williams ML, Slaughter MS, Zhao Y, Puskas JD. Off-Pump and On-Pump Coronary Revascularization in Patients with Low Ejection Fraction: A Report from the STS National Database. Ann Thorac Surg. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Jul;96(1):83-88: discussion 88-89.

Keeling WB, Chen EP. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Aug;150(2):e17-8

Keeling WB, Binongo J, Sarin EL, Leshnower BG, Chen EP, Lattouf OM, Thourani VH, Guyton RA, Halkos ME. Predicted Risk of Mortality, Transfusion and Postoperative Outcomes in Isolated Primary Valve Surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Feb;101(2):620-4.

Leshnower BG, Thourani VH, Halkos ME, Sarin EL, Keeling WB, Lamias MJ, Guyton RA, Chen EP. Moderate Versus Deep Hypothermia With Unilateral Selective Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion for Acute Type A Dissection. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Nov;100(5):1563-8; discussion 1568-9.

Gelbard RB, Karamanos E, Farhoomand A, Keeling WB, McDaniel MC, Wyrzykowski AD, Shafii SM, Rajani RR. Immediate post-traumatic pulmonary embolism is not associated with right ventricular dysfunction. Am J Surg. 2016 Oct;212(4):769-774.

Keeling B, Chen EP. The real root-cause analysis: Optimizing surgical options in the current era. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Nov;150(5):1026-7.

Keeling B, Halkos ME. Invited Commentary. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Nov;100(5):1593-4.

Keeling B, Chen EP. Reaching the full potential of MEP monitoring during surgery of the thoracoabdominal aorta. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Feb;151(2):518-9

Keeling WB, Leshnower BG, Lasajanak Y, Binongo J, Guyton RA, Halkos ME, Thourani VH, Lattouf OM. Mid-term Benefits of Surgical Pulmonary Embolectomy for Acute Pulmonary Embolus on Right Ventricular Function. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Sep;152(3):872-8.

Keeling WB, Leshnower, BG, Chen EP, Sarin EL, Binongo J, Lattouf OM, Guyton RA, Halkos ME, Thourani VH. Octogenarians Experience Outcomes Similar to Other Elderly Patients after Surgery for Acute Ascending Aortic Dissections. J Surg:Open Access. 2016 Jan;2(1).

Jhunjhunwala R, Dente CJ, Keeling WB, Prest PJ, Dougherty SD, Gelbard RB, Long WB, Nicholas JM, Morse BC. Injury to the conduction system: management of life-threatening arrhythmias after penetrating cardiac trauma. Am J Surg. 2016 Aug;212(2):352-3

Keeling WB, Chen EP. Maxing out the axillary artery for arterial cannulation in acute type A dissection. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016 Sep;152(3):808-9.

Keeling WB, Sundt T, Leacche M, Okita Y, Binongo J, Lasajanak Y, Aklog L, Lattouf OM; SPEAR Working Group. Outcomes After Surgical Pulmonary Embolectomy for Acute Pulmonary Embolus: A Multi-institutional Study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Nov;102(5):1498-1502.

Keeling WB, Leshnower BG, Binongo J, Lasanajak Y, McPherson L, Chen EP. Severity of Preoperative Aortic Regurgitation Does Not Impact Valve Durability of Aortic Valve Repair following the David V Valve Sparing Aortic Root Replacement, Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Sep 22. pii: S0003-4975(16)30873-6. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.07.004. [Epub ahead of print]

Keeling WB, Binongo J, Halkos ME, Leshnower BG, Nguyen DQ, Chen EP, Sarin EL, Miller JS, Macheers S, Lattouf OM, Guyton RA, Thourani VH. The Racial Paradox in Multiarterial Conduit Utilization for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Ann Thorac Surg. 2016 Oct 4. pii: S0003-4975(16)30941-9. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.07.042.

Keeling WB, Chen EP. Baby, it's cold outside. Does it need to be? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Jan 9. pii: S0022-5223(17)30006-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2016.12.023

Englum BR, He X, Gulack BC, Ganapathi AM, Mathew JP, Brennan JM, Reece TB, Keeling WB, Leshnower BG, Chen EP, Jacobs JP, Thourani VH, Hughes GC. Hypothermia and cerebral protection strategies in aortic arch surgery: a comparative effectiveness analysis from the STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2017 Sep 1;52(3):492-498.

Keeling WB, Leshnower BG, Hunting JC, Binongo J, Chen EP. Hypothermia and Selective Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion Is Safe for Arch Repair in Type A Dissection. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Sep;104(3):767-772.

Keeling B, Thourani V, Aliawadi G, Kim S, Cyr D, Badhwar V, Jacobs J, Brennan JM, Meza J, Matsouaka R, Halkos ME. Conversion From Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting to On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Jun 11.

Halkos ME, Anderson A, Binongo JNG, Stringer A, Lasanajak Y, Thourani VH, Lattouf OM, Guyton RA, Baio KT, Sarin E, Keeling WB, Cook NR, Carssow K, Neill A, Glas KE, Puskas JD. Operative strategies to reduce cerebral embolic events during on- and off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: A stratified, prospective randomized trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 Jun 16.

Keeling WB, Tian DH, Leshnower BG, Numata S, Hughes GC, Matalanis G, Okita Y, Yan T, Kouchoukos N, Chen EP. Saftey of Moderate Hypothermia With Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion in Total Aortic Arch Replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. In publication.

Keeling WB and Fernandez FG. “Esophageal Diverticula”. Cardiothoracic Surgery Review, edited by Franco KL and Thourani VH. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011.

Keeling WB, Guyton RA, Thourani VH. “Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defect”. Cardiothoracic Surgery Review, edited by Franco KL and Thourani VH. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011.

Thourani VH, Hurst S, Keeling WB, Guyton RA. “Aortic Valve Bypass” Cardiothoracic Surgery Review, edited by Franco KL and Thourani VH. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011.

Keeling WB, Halkos ME, Puskas JD. “Off Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting” Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery, edited by Kaiser LR, Kron IL, Spray TL. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2014.

Keeling WB, Thourani VH. “Coronary Artery Bypass Procedures” Medical Management of the Surgical Patient, edited by Lubin MF, Dodson TF, Winawer NH. 2013.

Keeling WB, Halkos ME, Puskas JD. “Anaortic CABG” Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Publication Pending.