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Dr. Sheela Hanasoge

Sheela Hanasoge, MD

Dr. Sheela Hanasoge, MD, PhD, is a board-certified radiation oncologist. She practices general radiation oncology and has a special interest in the treatment of breast, head and neck, gynecological, and genitourinary cancers. She sees patients at Grady’s Edward C. Loughlin Radiation Oncology Center.


  • Radiation Oncology

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Radiology


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: ECFMG - Educational Commision For Foreign Medical Graduates
  • Internship: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
  • Residency: Winship Cancer Institute of Emory


Nyati, M. K., Maheshwari, D., Hanasoge S., Sreekumar, A., Rynkiewicz, S. D., Chinnaiyan, A. M., Leopold, W. R., Ethier, S. P., and Lawrence, T. S. Radiosensitization by Pan ErbB inhibitor CI-1033 In Vitro and In Vivo. Clin. Cancer Res. 10(2): 691-700 (2004).

Paulsen M.T., Starks A. M., Derheimer F. D., Hanasoge S., Li L., Dixon J. E., and Ljungman M. The p53-targeting human phosphatase hCdc14A interacts with the Cdk1/cyclin B complex and is differentially expressed in human cancers. Mol Cancer 5:25 (2006).

Derheimer F. D., O'Hagan H. M., Krueger H., Hanasoge S., Paulsen M. T., and Ljungman M. Blockage of transcription induces p53 via loss of nuclear export and ATR-mediated phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104(31): 12778-83 (2007).

Hanasoge S. and Ljungman M. H2AX phosphorylation after UV irradiation is triggered by DNA repair intermediates and is mediated by the ATR kinase. Carcinogenesis 28(11):2298-304 (2007).

Prabhu, R. S., Magliocca, K. R., Hanasoge, S., Aiken, A.H., Hudgins, P. A., Hall, W.A., Chen, S. A., Eaton, B.R., Higgins, K. A., Saba, N. F., Beitler, J. J. Accuracy of computed tomorgraphy for predicting pathologic nodal extracapsular extension in patients with head-and-neck cancer undergoing initial surgical resection. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 88(1): 122-129 (2014)

Prabhu R. S., Hanasoge S., Magliocca K. R., Moeller B. J., Milas Z. L., Hall W.A., El-Deiry M., Wadsworth J.T., Higgins K.A., Beitler J.J. Extent of Pathologic Extracapsular Extension and Outcomes in Patients with Non-Oropharyngeal Head and Neck Cancer Treated With Initial Surgical Resection. Cancer 120 (10): 1499-506 (2014).

Prabhu R.S., Hanasoge S., Magliocca K.R., Hall W.A., Chen S.A., Higgins K.A., Saba N.F., El- Deiry M., Grist W., Wadsworth J.T., Chen A.Y., Beitler J.J. Lymph node ratio influence on risk of head and neck cancer locoregional recurrence after initial surgical resection: implications for adjuvant therapy. Head & Neck. 37(6): 777-82 (2014).

Kandula S., Saindane A.M., Prabhu R. S., Hanasoge S., Patel K. R., Shu H.K., Curran W.J., Crocker, I.R. Patterns of presentation and failure in patients with gliomatosis cerebri treated with partial- brain radiation therapy. Cancer 120 (17): 2713-20 (2014).

Hanasoge S., Magliocca K.R., Switchenko J., Saba N., Wadsworth, J.T., El-Diery, M., Shin D., Khuri, F., Beitler, J.J., Higgins, K.A. Clinical outcomes in elderly patients with human papilloma virus - positive squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx treated with definitive chemoradiation therapy. Head & Neck 38(6): 846-51 (2016).

Shilkrut M., Sapir E., Hanasoge S., Schipper M.J., Normolle D.P., Ben-Josef E., Ensminger W., Lawrence T.S., Feng M. Phase I trial of dose-escalated whole liver irradiation with hepatic arterial fluorodexoyuridine/leucovorin and streptozotocin followed by fluorodeoxyuridine/leucovorin and chemoembolization for patients with neuroendocrine hepatic metastases. Am J Clin Oncol 41(4): 326-331 (2018).