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Dr. Rosa M. Pasculli

Rosa M. Pasculli, MD, MBA

Dr. Rosa M. Pasculli is a non-operative Sports Medicine physician. Dr. Pasculli graduated from Barnard College, after which she completed medical school at New York University (NYU) School of Medicine and received a Master of Business Administration from NYU Stern School of Business with a specialization in Leadership and Change Management. She completed her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at NYU and a fellowship in Primary Care Sports Medicine at Emory University. During her fellowship year, she served as the team physician for Emory University and Dunwoody High School. She also provided medical event coverage for the Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Dream, Atlanta Track Club, and Atlanta Ballet.

Her practice is guided by the wise words of Dr. George Sheehan that “every patient is an athlete… just in different stages of training.” As a former competitive dancer, Dr. Pasculli’s primary clinical area of interest is performing arts medicine; she serves as a physician for the Atlanta Ballet and is a faculty member of the Female Athlete Program. Her other clinical interests include diagnostic and interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound, and sport-related concussions. She is certified to practice acupuncture as a complementary treatment for acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. She also enjoys exploring the pillars of lifestyle medicine with her patients and discussing healthful eating habits, ways to increase physical activity, and stress management techniques.

She enjoys yoga and weightlifting, spending time with her husband and their two dogs, and exploring new restaurants in Atlanta.


  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


  • Emory Univeristy School of Medicine


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: NYU Grossman School of Medicine
  • Internship: Rutgers New Jersey Medical school
  • Residency: NYC Grossman School of Medicine

Honors & Awards

Howard A. Rusk Resident Award for Academic Excellence and Teaching, 2021

Administrative Chief Resident, NYU School of Medicine Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2020-2021

Internal Medicine Intern of the Month, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, August 2017

Winner, Deloitte Case Competition at NYU Stern School of Business, 2015


Pasculli RM, Bowers RL. Evidence-based management of rotator cuff tears (acute and chronic). Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2022;10(3):239-247.

Fink DA, Pasculli RM, Wright A, Katz K, Agrawal N, Turner E, Cardone DA. Unexpected hurdle in the race: hypophosphatasia unmasked by the female athlete triad. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2019 Dec;18(12):434-436. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000664

Rizzo JR, Hudson TE, Amorapanth PX, Dai W, Birkemeier J, Pasculli R, Conti K, Feinberg C, Verstraete J, Dempsey K, Selesnick I, Balcer LJ, Galetta SL, Rucker JC. The effect of linguistic background on rapid number naming: implications for native versus non-native English speakers on sideline-focused concussion assessments. Brain Inj. 2018;32(13-14):1690-1699. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1510543

Rizzo JR, Fung JK, Hosseini M, Shafieesabet A, Ahdoot E, Pasculli RM, Rucker J, Raghavan J, Landy MS, Hudson TE. Eye control deficits coupled to hand control deficits: eye-hand incoordination in chronic cerebral injury. Front Neurol. 2017 Jul 17;8:330. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00330

Rizzo JR, Hudson TE, Dai W, Birkemeier J, Pasculli RM, Selesnick I, Balcer LJ, Galetta SL, Rucker JC. Rapid number naming in concussion: ocular motor behavior during the King-Devick test. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2016 Sep;3(10):801-11

Kellner CH, Greenberg RM, Murrough JW, Bryson EO, Briggs MC, Pasculli RM. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treatment-resistant depression. Am J Psych. 2012 Dec 1;169(12):1238-44

Kellner CH, Pasculli RM, Briggs MC. Treatment of depression during pregnancy. J ECT. 2012 Sep;28(3);195-6

Pasculli RM, Briggs MC, Popeo DM, Kellner CH. Another reason to blush: unilateral ECT. Am J Med. 2011 Nov;124(11):e9

Briggs MC, Pasculli RM, Bryson EO, Popeo DM, Aloysi AS, Kellner, CH. Troponins and ECT: caution in reporting results. Am J Med. 2011 Nov;124(11):e11

Pasculli RM, Briggs MC, Kellner CH. The ECT nursing literature. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2011;32(7):473