After 20 years as Chief of Anesthesiology, I have witnessed and hopefully help nurture the most profound progress and growth of Grady Health System, our iconic Atlanta health care institution, as we continue on our journey towards becoming the premier academic tertiary care facility in the nation. Through the years I have assembled the most amazing team of Anesthesiologists who provide the most current fellowship trained and specialized care in the Anesthesiology divisions of Cardiac, Obstetric, Pain management , Neurovascular, Orthopedics, and Regional Anesthesia. Our Acute pain Service is diligently working to combat the city opioid crisis one patient at a time. My Anesthesiologists are energized, caring, and mission driven, with an eye towards safety and efficiency. As a primary teaching institution and academic center for our Emory and Morehouse residency, we take very seriously our goal of optimal patient care in an environment of teaching and research.

Raphael Y. Gershon, MD
Chief of Anesthesiology
- Anesthesiology
Board Certifications
- American Board of Anesthesiology
- University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Internship: University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Residency: University of Maryland School of Medicine
Gershon RY, Mokriski BLK, and Matjasko MJ: Intradermal anesthesia and comparison of intravenous catheter gauge. AnesthAnalg, 73:469-470. 1991
Gershon RY, Fisher A, Graves W. The cocaine abusing parturient is not at an increased risk for thrombocytopenia. AnesthAnalg, 82:4, 865-6, 1996.
Gershon, RY. Surgical Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section with a Subdural Catheter. Can J Anaes, 43:10, 1068-71, 1996.
Gershon RY, Manning-Williams D. Anesthesia and the HIV infected parturient. Int J OB Anesth, 6:2, 58-64, 1997.
Lubke GH, Kerssens C, Gershon RY, Sebel, PS. Memory Formation during General Anesthesia for Emergency Cesarean Sections. Anesthesiology, 92:4, 1029-1034, 2000.
DC Turk, RH Dworkin, LB Burke, R Gershon, M Rothman, et al. Developing patient-reported outcome measures for pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain 2006; 125:208-215
Gershon RY, Harris R, Lynde G, Garrett J, Near Infrared Spectroscopy in the Parturient Undergoing Caesarean Section by Epidura, Anesthesiology, 2010: A1288
Gershon RY, Ilkin H, Improving Perioperative Productivity in a Safety-Net, Abstract, Level-1 Trauma and Teaching Hospital, Anesthesiology, 2010:A1325
Rishi G, Anat H, Gershon RY, et al. Higher Volume Endovascular Stroke Centers Have Faster Times to Treatment, Higher Reperfusion Rates and Higher Rates of Good Clinical Outcomes. J NeuroInterventSurg, 2012, 010245
Whalin,MK, Lopian,S, Wyatt,K, Sun C, Noguera R, Glenn B, Gershon R, Gupta R, Dexmetetomidine: a safe alternative to general anesthesia for endovascular stroke treatment J NeuroInterventSurg, 2013, 010773
Lynde G, Guffey R, Gershon RY, Caesarean Section of a 25 3/7 Week Parturient with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Case Report J Anesthesiology, 2013, 31,1
Whalin, MK, Noguera R, Gershon RY, et al, Even Small Decreases in Blood Pressure During Conscious Sedation Affect Clinical Outcome after Stroke Thrombectomy: An Analysis of Hemodynamic Thresholds, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2017
Faloye O, Gershon RY, Case Report: Traumatic VSD after Stab Wound to the Chest. Analgesia and Anesthesia, 2018
Gershon RY: Possible Birth Defects form Anesthesia: Commentary. The Free Lance Star, Nov 30, 1994
Lubke GH, Kerssens C, Gershon RY, Sebel, PS. Bispectral Index in Relation to Memory Function During Emergency Ceasarean Section. Memory and Awareness IV, Jordan Vaughn and Newton (editors), Imperial College Press 2001
Lynde, G. C., Guffey, R., &Gershon, R. Y. Cesarean Section of a 25 3/7 Week Parturient with FibrodysplasiaOssificansProgressiva: A Case Report. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology, 31(1) 2013.
Stack KE, Sullivan C, Gershon RY. Pulmonary Artery Hypertension during Pregnancy. SOAP 2006; 103
Adler I, Sommers S, Gershon R: Analytical Methods Related to Building and Monument Preservation; Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings, Elsevier 1982
Malinow AM, Gershon RY, Alger LS: Anesthetic management of preterm labor, in Anesthetic and Obstetric Management in High Risk Labor, (457-485), Datta S(Ed), Yearbook Medical Publishers, St. Louis, 1990.
Gershon RY: Preoperative evaluation of the parturient with coexisting disease, in Obstetric Anesthesia, (35-67) Norris M(Ed), J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1992.
Gershon RY, Alleyn A: Preoperative evaluation of the parturient with coexisting disease, in Obstetric Anesthesia, 2nd edition, Norris M(ed), J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1998.
Gershon RY, Williams D, Berry A, et al: The effect of anesthesia on the HIV infected parturient. Anesthesiology, 1992; 77:1037.
Gershon RY, Williams D, Zikowski D, et al: Prophylactic intravenous Ketorolac and intrathecal Fentanyl for postpartum tubal ligation pain. Anesthesiology, 1993; 79:1014.
Gershon RY, Zikowski D, Johansen J: CSF and plasma progesterone concentrations in the parturient. Anesthesiology, 1994; 81:1156.
Gershon RY, Fisher A, Graves W: Cocaine abusing parturient and risk of thrombocytopenia. Anesthesiology, 1995; 83:938.
Gershon RY, Dolak J, Board E, Stack K, et al: The Cocaine-Abusing Parturient Is Not at an Increased Risk for Thrombocytopathy. Anesthesiology, 1997; 87(3)875.
Gershon RY, Dolak J, Board E, Stack K, et al: Platelets and the HIV-infected Parturient. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1998; 86:368.
Gershon RY, Alleyne AS, Mims K: Intrauterine Fetal Demise and Thromboelastography. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1999; 88:251
Gershon RY, Alleyne AS, Mims K, Williams D, Barone T. Removal of EDTA from 2-Chloroprocaine increases the Efficacy of Epidural Morphine Analgesia. Anesthesiology, 1999; 91,1099
Torres JE, Tanaka K, Stack K, Gershon, RY. Use of Different Bedside Platelet Function Assays in Obstetric Patients. Anesthesiology, 2005; 102, SUPP1, SOAP A77
Stack, K, Gershon, RY. Maternal and Fetal Outcomes after Uterine Rupture. Anesthesiology, 2005; 102, SOAP A46
Gershon RY, Stack, KE, A Kerssens C, Does Pregnancy Lower General Anesthetic Requirements? Anesthesiology, 2006:104:A1238
Stack KE, Gershon RY, Kerssens C. Who Refuses Epidural Analgesia for Labor, and Why? Anesthesiology, 2006; 104:A42
Faya C*, Johnson E, Gershon R. Cesarean Delivery of 2 Parturients with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. SOAP Annual Meeting, Miami, 2017
Ken Walker, Gershon RYet al: Georgia Emergency Services Support Project, Emory University and Partners for International Development, USAID Annual Report, 2007
Gershon RY CMMS Reimbursement Update: Peachstate, Wellcare and Amerigroup, Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists, Newsletter, Fall 2007
Gershon RY Obstetric Anesthesia Payment Update, Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists, Newsletter, Fall 2008
Ken Walker, Gershon RY et al: Georgia Emergency Services Support Project, Emory University and Partners for International Development, USAID Annual Report, 2008
Gershon RY. SCOPE, Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists, CMMS update, Letter to the Editor, Fall, 2009
Ma, J., Hunter, M., Faya, C., Gershon, RY., Emergent Management of a Patient with Aspiration of Crack-Cocaine Bag. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. 2017
Johansen, J.W.,,. Monitoring Pharmacologic Effects of Anesthesia. (2000). Current Anesthesiology Reports vol. 2, 369 - 376.
Johansen, J.W.,,. Future Directions in Monitoring Anesthetic Effect. (2000). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA). vol. 12(1), 73 - 81.
Johansen, J.W.,Sebel, P.S. ,. Development and Clinical Application of EEG Bispectrum (BIS) Monitoring (Review). (2000). Anesthesiology vol. 93, 1336 - 44.
Johansen, J.W.,Sebel, P.S.,Sigl, J.C.. Clinical impact of hypnotic-titration guidelines based on EEG Bispectral Index (BIS) Monitoring During Routine Anesthetic Care.. (2000).
J.W.,,. Esmolol Promotes EEG Burst Suppression during Propofol-Alfentanil Anesthesia. (2001). AnesthAnalg vol. 93, 1526 - 31.
Kerssens C, Klein J, van der Woerd A, Bonke B (2001). Auditory information processing during adequate propofol anesthesia monitored by EEG bispectral index. Anesthesia & Analgesia; 9 2: 1210-1214.
Kerssens C, Lubke GH, Klein J, van der Woerd A, Bonke B (2002). Memory function during propofol/alfentanil anesthesia: Predictive value of individual differences. Anesthesiology; 9 7: 382-389.
Koitabashi, T.,Johansen, J.W.,Sebel, P.S.. Remifentanil Dose-EEG Bispectral Response during Combined Propofol/Regional Anesthesia. (2002). AnesthAnalg vol. 94, 1530 - 3.
Kerssens C, Klein J, Bonke B. Awareness (2003): Monitoring versus remembering what happened. Anesthesiology; 9 9: 570-575.
Kerssens C, Ouchi T, Sebel PS (2005): No evidence of memory function during anesthesia with propofol or isoflurane with close control of hypnotic state. Anesthesiology; 1 02:57-62.
Peltier S, Kerssens C, Hamann SB, Sebel PS, Byas-Smith M, Hu X (2005). Functional connectivity changes with concentration of sevoflurane anesthesia. NeuroReport; 1 6: 285-288.
Kerssens C, Hamann S, Peltier SJ, Hu X, Byas-Smith M, Sebel PS (2005): Attenuated brain response to auditory word stimulation with sevoflurane: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Kranenburg LW, Kerssens C, IJzermans JNM, Zuidema W, Weimar W, Busschbach JJV (2005Reluctant acceptance of xenotransplantation in kidney patients on the waiting list for transplantation.Social Science & Medicine: 61: 1828-1834.
Harris RS, Lazar O, Johansen JW, and Sebel PS. Propofol and sevoflurane act synergistically to produceloss of consciousness in spontaneously breathing patients. Anesthesiology 2006;104(6):1170-5.
Shaz B, Dente C, Harris RS. Feasibility of a Hospital-Specific Massive Transfusion Protocol at a Level I Trauma Center. Abstract/Poster Presentation, American Association of Blood Banks, National Meeting, 2007.
Kerssens C (2007): Using the process dissociation procedure: the meaning and value of comparable base rates. Anesthesiology: 107(1):172-3.
Harris RS, and Sebel PS. Monitored Anesthetic Care. In Longnecker, David ed. Principles of Anesthesiology. 3rd edition, 2008.
Kerssens C, Glielmi CB, Peltier SI, Harris RS. Increased resting-state functional connectivity during light sedation with propofol. Abstract / Poster Presentation, American Society of Anesthesiologists, National Meeting 2008. A-1306
Shaz B, Dente C, Harris RS. Transfusion management of trauma patients. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2009;108:1760-8
C Dente, Shaz B, Nicholas JM, Harris RS.Improvements in early mortality and coagulopathy are sustained better in patients with blunt trauma after institution of a massive transfusion protocol in a civlian level I trauma center. Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care 2009;66:1616-24.
Kerssens C, Gaither JR, Sebel PS (2009). Preserved memory function during BIS-guided anesthesia with sevoflurane for major orthopedic surgery. Anesthesiology; 111: 518-24.
Shaz B, Dente C, Nicholas J, MacLeod JB, Young AN, Easley K, Ling Q, Harris RS, Hillyer CD. Increased number of coagulation products in relationship to red blood cell products transfused improves mortality in trauma patients. Transfusion 2010;50:493-500
Dente CJ, Shaz B, Nicholas JM, Harris RS, Ingram WL. Early predictors of massive transfusion in patients sustaining torso gunshot wounds in a civilian level I trauma center. Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care 2010;68:298-304.
Margolias, G and Harris, RS. Sedation and Analgesia. In McKean, Sylvia ed. Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine. 1st edition, 2011.
Woodbury A, Knight K, Fry L, Margolias G, Lynde GC. Survey of Anesthesiologist and Anesthetist Attitudes toward Single Use Vials in an Academic Medical Center. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. August 2014: 26(2) 125-130.
Hollon, McKenzie. 4 Valve Heart Disease and Right Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Anesthesia. November 2017.
Johnson, Richard B., Springer 2017. Anesthesiology: A Step-wise Approach. Anesthesia for Trauma.
Elder, C., Winchester, C., Barone-Smith, T., Hunter, M. Increased Perioperative Adverse Event Reporting with Transition to an Electronic CQI System American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. 2017.
Elder, C., Winchester, C., Barone-Smith, T., Hunter, M. Increased Perioperative Adverse Event Reporting with Transition to an Electronic CQI System Emory Quality Conference. June 1, 2017.
Hollon, M., Guenther, L., Anesthetic Assessment and Management of Suspected Pulmonary Echinococcosus. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. 2017
Hollon, M., Whitehouse, B., Anesthetic Management after Inadvertent Placement of Chest tube into the Left Ventricle. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. 2017
Maya Fayfman, Georgia Davis, Elizabeth Duggan, Maria Urrutia, David Chachkhiani, Joanna Schindler, Francisco Pasquel, Rodolfo Galindo, Priyathama Vellanki, David Reyes-Umpierrez, Heqiong Wang, Guillermo Umpierrez. Sitagliptin for prevention of stress hyperglycemia in patients without diabetes undergoing general surgery: A pilot randomized study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. Sept 2018.
Whalin MK, Jellish WS, Abramowicz AE, Rosenberger DA. Whats New: 2018 Stroke Guidelines and Anesthesia Management. ASA Monitor (Accepted article written for the Newsletter of the American Society of Anesthesiologists on behalf of the ASA Committee on Neuroanesthesia)
Garcia PS, Whalin MK, Sebel, PS. Pharmacology of Intravenous Anesthetics. In: Hemmings, HC and Egan, TD ed. Pharmacology and Physiology for Anesthesia: Foundations and Clinical Application (1st ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2013. Pages 137-158
Whalin MK and Arora SS. Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord. In: Farag E, Argalious M, Tetzlaff J, and Sharma D ed. Basic Science in Anesthesia. Springer, 2018. Pages 41-59