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Dr. Philip H. Shayne

Dr. Philip H. Shayne, MD, FACEP

Dr. Shayne is currently the Assistant Dean for GME and the Associate DIO for the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Shayne is also Professor and Vice-Chair for Education in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Emory. He has been on the faculty at Emory since 1996 and prior to his current position, Dr. Shayne was the Emory EM Program Director for 17 years.

Dr. Shayne is a Past President of the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD) and is an American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) oral board examiner. Dr. Shayne completed a six-year term on the Review Committee for Emergency Medicine of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and is past Chair. He received the ACGME Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award in 2010.

In his current role, Dr. Shayne helps manage the more than 100 residency training programs at Emory. He practices at Grady Hospital and maintains an office in the School of Medicine on the Emory campus.


  • Emergency Medicine

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Emergency Medicine


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • Internship: John H. Stroger Jr., Hospital of Cook County
  • Residency: Cook County Office of Risk Management

Honors & Awards

1996 Fellow, American College of Emergency Physicians, Dallas, TX

2001 Top Consultant, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX

2003 Top Consultant, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Dallas, TX

2004 Finalist, Parker J. Palmer “Courage to Teach” Award, ACGME, Chicago, IL

2004 Residency Contribution Award, Class of 2004, Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine

2005 ACEP National Faculty Teaching Award, American College of Emergency Physicians, Dallas, TX

2009 The Gold Humanism Honor Society, Arnold P. Gold Foundation Englewood Cliffs, NJ

2009 Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors 10-year Service Award, CORD

2010 Parker J. Palmer “Courage to Teach” Award, ACGME, Chicago, IL

2011 Emory Graduate Medical Education Committee 15-year Service Certificate, Emory University School of Medicine

2012 Academy of ACGME Program Directors at Emory University, Emory University School of Medicine

2015 Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors 15-year Service Award, CORD

2015 American Board of Emergency Medicine Oral Board Examiner 8-tests Recognition


Shayne P, Sloan EP, Rydman R. A Case-Control Study of Risk Factors That Predict Femoral Arterial Injury in Penetrating Thigh Trauma, Annals of Emergency Medicine October 1994;24: 678-684.

Shayne P, Hart A. Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis Terminated with Propranolol, Annals of Emergency Medicine October 1994; 24: 736-740.

Buckley RG, Aks SE, Eshom JL, Rydman R, Schaider J, Shayne P. The Pulse Oximetry Gap in Carbon Monoxide Intoxication, Annals of Emergency Medicine 1994; 24: 252-256.

Richman M, Shayne P, Heron S. Injury Control in Honduras: A Survey of Injury Mortality, Annals of Emergency Medicine October 2000;36: 333-339.

Shayne P, Heilpern K, Palmer-Smith V; Protected teaching Time and a Bedside Clinical Evaluation Instrument in an Emergency Medicine Training Program, Academic Emergency Medicine. November 2002; 9(11), 1342-1349.

Shayne P, Pitts S. Severe Hypertension in the Emergency Department: A State of the Art Review, Annals of Emergency Medicine. April, 2003; 41(4) 513-529.

Karras DJ, Ufberg JW, Heilpern KL, Cienki JJ, Chang WK, Wald MW, Harrigan RA, Wald, DA, Shayne P, Gaughan J, Kruss LK; Elevated Blood Pressure in Urban Emergency Department Patients, Academic Emergency Medicine. September 2005; 12(9), 835-843.

Karras DJ, Kruus LK, Cienki JJ, Wald MM, Chiang WK, Shayne P, Ufberg JW, Harrigan RA, Wald DA, Heilpern KL. Evaluation and treatment of patients with severely elevated blood pressure in academic emergency departments: a multicenter study. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2006, 47: 230-236.

Shayne P, Gallahue F, Rinnert S, et al; Reliability of a Checklist Assessment of Live Performance of Learners in the Emergency Department: the Standardized Direct Observation Assessment Tool (SDOT). Academic Emergency Medicine, February, 2006, 13(7) 727-732.

Thomas HA, Binder LS, Chapman DM, Kramer DA, LaMantia J, Perina DG, Shayne P, Sklar DP, Sorensen CJ; The 2003 Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine: The 2005 Update. Academic Emergency Medicine, October 2006, 13(10) 1070-1073 and Annals of Emergency Medicine, October 2006.

Karras DJ, Kruus LK, Cienki JJ, Wald MM, Ufberg JW, Shayne P, Wald DA, Heilpern KL; Utility of Routine Testing for Patients with Asymptomatic Severe Blood Pressure Elevation in the Emergency Department. Annals of Emergency Medicine, March 2008, 51(3) 231-239.

Shayne P, Lin M, Ufberg J, Ankel F, Barringer K, Morgan-Edwards S, DeIorio N, Asplin B. Emergency Medicine Crowding and Education: Blessing or Curse?, Academic Emergency Medicine, January 2009, 16(1) 76-82.

Hern G, Wills, C, Alter H, Bowman S, Katz E, Shayne P. Conference Attendance Does Not Correlate With In Training Exam Scores During EM Residency. Academic Emergency Medicine, December 2009, 16(s2) s63-s66.

Promes S, Chudgar S, O'Connor G, Rochowski C, Shayne P, Isenhour J, Glickman S, Cairns C. Gaps in Procedural Experience and Competency in Medical School Graduates. Academic Emergency Medicine, December 2009, 16(s2) s58-s62.

LaMantia J, Kane B, Yarris L, Tadros A, Ward M, Lesser , Shayne P, for the SDOT Study Group II, Real-Time Inter-Rater Reliability of the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors Standardized Direct Observation Assessment Tool. Academic Emergency Medicine, December 2009, 16(s2) s51-s57.

Farrell S, Lin M, Coates W, Kuhn G, Fisher J, Shayne P. Highlights in Emergency Medicine Medical Education Research: 2008. Academic Emergency Medicine, December, 2009; 16(12) 1318-24.

Fenig M, Lowman R, Thompson BP, Shayne P. Fatal posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation due to occult trauma [Case report]. American Journal of Emergency Medicine March, 2010, (28) 385.e5-385.e8.

Wallenstein J, Heron S, Santen S, Shayne P, Ander D. A Core Competency-based Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) can predict Future Resident Performance. Academic Emergency Medicine, October 2010, 17(10) S67-S71.

Kuhn G, Shayne P, Coates W, Fisher J, Lin M, Maggio L, Farrell S. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Educational Research: The Best Articles of 2009. Academic Emergency Medicine, October 2010, 17(10) S16-S25.

Santen SA, Hemphill RR, Shayne P. Do faculty staff only conduct easy evaluations? “Really Good Stuff,” Medical Education, May 2011, 45(5), 534–535.

Shayne P, Coates W, Farrell S, Kuhn G, Lin M, Maggio L, Fisher J. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Educational Research: The Best Publications of 2010. Academic Emergency Medicine. October 2011, 18(10) 1081-1089.

Ander DA, Wallenstein J, Abramson JL, Click L, Shayne P. Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) Descriptive Ratings as an evaluation tool in an Emergency Medicine Clerkship, Journal of Emergency Medicine, October 2012, 43(4).

Fischer M, Hemphill RR, Rimler E, Marshall S, Brownfield E, Shayne P, DiFrancesco L, Santen SA. Patient Communication during Handovers between Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine, Journal of Graduate Medical Education. December 2012, 4(4) 533-538.

Fisher J, Lin M, Coates W, Kuhn GJ, Farrell SE, Maggio LA, Shayne P. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Educational Research: The Best Publications of 2011. Academic Emergency Medicine. February 2013, 20(2) 200-208.

Beeson MS, Carter WA, Christopher TA, Heidt JW, Jones JH, Meyer LE, Promes SB, Rodgers KG, Shayne PH, Wagner MJ, Swing SR. Emergency Medicine Milestones. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. March 2013. Suppl. 5-13.

Korte RC, Beeson MS, Russ CM, Carter WA, the Emergency Medicine Milestones Working Group, and Reisdorff EJ. The Emergency Medicine Milestones: A Validation Study. Academic Emergency Medicine. July 2013, 20(7) 730-735.

Beeson, MS, Carter, WA, Christopher, TA, Heidt JW, Jones JH, Meyer LE, Promes SB, Rodgers KG, Shayne PH, Swing SR, Wagner MJ. The Development of the Emergency Medicine Milestones. Academic Emergency Medicine. July 2013, 20(7) 724-729.

Lin M, Fisher J, Coates WC, Farrell SE, Shayne P, Maggio L, Kuhn G. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Education Research: The Best Publications of 2012 Academic Emergency Medicine, March 2014, 21(3): 322-333

Farrell SE, Kuhn GJ, Coates WC, Shayne PH, Fischer J, Maggio LA, Lin M. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Education Research: The Best Publications of 2013. Academic Emergency Medicine, November 2014, 21(11): 1274-1282.

Yarris L, Farrell SE, Coates WC, Shayne PH, Fischer J, Maggio LA, Heitz C. Critical Appraisal of Emergency Medicine Education Research: The Best Publications of 2014. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume 22, Issue 11, November 2015, Pages: 1327–1336

Counselman FL, Carius ML, Kowalenko T, Battaglioli N, Hobgood C, Jagoda AS, Lovell E, Oshva L, Patel A, Shayne P, Tabas JA, Reisdorff EJ. The American Board of Emergency Medicine Maintenance of Certification Summit. J Emerg Med. 2015 Nov;49(5):722-8. (doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2015.06.058. Epub 2015 Sep)

Wheatley W, Shayne P, Osbourne A, Ross M, O’Malley R., A Model Longitudinal Observation Medicine Curriculum for an Emergency Medicine Residency. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2016 Apr;23(4):482-92. PMID:26806664

Schrager JD, Shayne P, Wolf S, Das S, Patzer RE, White M, Heron S., Assessing the Influence of a Fitbit Physical Activity Monitor on the Exercise Practices of Emergency Medicine Residents: A Pilot Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017; 5(1):e2. PMID: 28143805

Beeson MS, Hamstra SJ, Barton MA, Yamazaki K, Counselman FL, Shayne PH, Holmboe ES, Muelleman RL, Reisdorff EJ. Straight line scoring by clinical competency committees using emergency medicine milestones. J Grad Med Educ 9(6):716-720 Dec 2017. PMID:29270260

Burchiel KJ, Zetterman RK, Ludmerer KM, Philibert I, Brigham TP, Malloy K, Arrighi JA, Ashley SW, Bienstock JL, Carek PJ, Correa R, Forstein DA, Gaiser RR, Gold JP, Keepers GA, Kennedy BC, Kirk LM, Kothari A, Langdale LA, Shayne PH, Stain SC, Woods SK, Wyatt-Johnson C, Nasca TJ. (2017). The 2017 ACGME Common Work Hour Standards: Promoting Physician Learning and Professional Development in a Safe, Humane Environment. J Grad Med Educ, 2017; Dec:9(6), 692-696. PMID:29270256

Aaron M, Shayne P, Brownfield E, Spell NO, Khan J, and Luhanga. Using the CLER Pathways to Excellence to Evaluate the Learning Environments at a Multi-Site Institution. Journal of Graduate Medical Education : December 2018, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 683-687. DOI: PMID: 30619529

Singhapricha T, Minkhorst O, Moran T, Swanson J, Shayne P. Predictors of an Initial Academic Position in Emergency Medicine. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. (2018). Electronic publication Nov 13, 2018. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2018.10.39096. PMID: 30643615