Dr. Cantey is a internal medicine specialist who has practiced at Grady Hospital since completing his medical residency in 2001. In 2007 he switched from full time to part time practice in order to better pursue his interest in global public health. Since that time he has worked on projects related to the elimination and control of neglected tropical diseases in many countries in Africa.
Dr. Paul T. Cantey, MD, MPH
- Internal Medicine
Board Certifications
- ABMS Internal Medicine
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine
- Internship: Emory University School of Medicine
- Residency: Emory University School of Medicine
Paulin HN, Nshala A, Kalinga A, Mwingira U, Wiegand R, Cama V, Cantey PT. Evaluation of Onchocerciasis Transmission in Tanzania: Preliminary Rapid Field Results in the Tukuyu Focus, 2015. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2017; 97(3): 673 - 677. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0988
Feeser KR, Cama V, Priest JW, Thiele EA, Wiegand RE, Lakwo T, Feleke SM, Cantey PT. Characterizing Reactivity to Onchocerca volvulus Antigens in Multiplex Bead Assays. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2017; 97(3): 666 - 672. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0519
Wilson NO, Ly AB, Cama VA, Cantey PT, Cohn D, Diawara L, Direny A, Fall M, Feeser KR, Fox LM, Kabore A, Seck AF, Sy N, Ndiaye D, Dubray C, MD. Evaluation of Lymphatic Filariasis and Onchocerciasis in Three Senegalese Districts Treated for Onchocerciasis with Ivermectin. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; 10: e5198.
Maskery B, Coleman MS, Weinberg M, Zhou W, Rotz L, Klosovsky A, Cantey PT, Fox LM, Cetron MS, Stauffer WM. Economic Analysis of the Impact of Overseas and Domestic Treatment and Screening Options for Intestinal Helminth Infection among US-Bound Refugees from Asia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016; 10(8): e4910.
Hall R, Anderson B, Schulkin J, Cantey P, Montgomery S, Jones J. Survey of Obstetrician-Gynecologists in the United States about Taeniasis and Cysticercosis. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016; (published online 11/14/2016).
Thiele EA, Cama VA, Lakwo T, Mekasha S, Abanyie F, Sleshi M, Kebede A, Cantey PT. Detection of Onchocerca volvulus in skin snips by microscopy and real-time PCR: implications for monitoring and evaluation activities. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2016; 94(4): 906 - 11.
Cantey PT, Weeks J, Edwards M, Rao S, Ostovar GA, Dehority W, Alzona M, Swoboda S, Christiaens B, Ballan W, Hartley J, Terranella A, Weatherhead J, Dunn JJ, Marx DP, Hicks MJ, Rauch RA, Smith C, Dishop MK, Handler MH, Dudley RWR, Chundu K, Hobohm D, Feiz-Erfan I, Hakes J, Berry RS, Stepensaski S, Greenfield B, Shroeder L, Bishop H, de Aleida M, Mathison B, Eberhard M. The emergence of zoonotic Onchocerca lupi infection in the United States - A case-series. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2016; 62(6): 778 - 83.
Cantey PT, Eberhard M, Weeks J, Swoboda S, Ostovar GA. Letter to the Editor: Onchocerca lupi infection. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. 2016; 17(1): 118 - 9.
Dixon MG, Taylor MM, Hakim A, Cantey P, Dee J, Lim T, Hawa B, Camara SM, Ndongmo CB, Togba M, Toure LY, Bilivogui P, Sylla M, Kinzer M, Coronado F, Tongren JE, Swaminathan M, Mandigny L Diallo B, Seyler T, Rondy M, Rodier G, Perea WE, Dahl B. Contact Tracing Activities during the Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic in Kindia and Faranah, Guinea 2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases; 2015; 21(11): 2022 - 8.
Abanyie F, Harvey RR, Harris J, Wiegand R, Gaul L, des Vignes-Kendrick M, Irvin K, Williams I, Hall R, Herwaldt B, Bosserman E, Qvarnstrom Y, Wise M, Cantu V, Cantey PT, Bosch S, da Silva AJ, Hardin A, Bishop H, Wellman A, Beal J, Wilson N, Fiore AE, Tauxe R, Lance S, Slutsker L, Parise M, and the Multistate Cyclosporiasis Outbreak Investigation Team. 2013 Multistate Outbreaks of Cyclospora cayetanensis Infections Associated with Fresh Produce: Focus on the Texas Investigations. Epidemiology and Infection 2015; Apr 13:1 - 8.
Cantey PT, Coyle CM, Sorvillo FJ, Wilkins PP, Starr MC, Nash TE. Review Article: Neglected parasitic infections in the United States: Cysticercosis. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 90(5): 805 - 809.
Montgomery SP, Starr MC, Cantey PT, Edwards MS, Meymandi S. Review Article: Neglected parasitic infections in the United States: Chagas disease. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 90(5): 814 - 818.
Woodhall D, Jones JL, Cantey PT, Wilkins PP, Montgomery SP. Neglected parasitic infections: what every family physician needs to know. American Family Physician 2014; 89(10): 803 - 11.
Stauffer WM, Cantey PT, Montgomery S, Fox L, Parise ME, Gorbacheva O, Weinberg M, Doney A, Rotz L, Cetron MS. Presumptive treatment and medical screening for parasites in refugees resettling to the United States. Current Infectious Disease Reports 2013; 15(3): 222 - 31. doi: 10.1007/s11908-013-0331-7.
Guiang KM, Cantey P, Montgomery SP, Ailawadhi S, Qvarnstrom Y, Price T, Blodget E. Reactivation of Chagas disease in a bone marrow transplant patient: case report and review of screening and management. Transplant Infectious Disease 2013; 15(6):E264 - 7. doi: 10.1111/tid.12157.
Mathieu E, Dorkenoo A, Datagni M, Morgah K, Drexler N, Cantey P, Harvey K, Chapleau G, Ziperstein J, Sodahlon Y. Lymphedema case management in each health facility in Togo: Program description, evaluation and lessons learned. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2013; 89(1): 16 - 22. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.12-0453.
Kumar GS, Varma S, Saenger M, Burleson M, Kohrt B, Cantey P. Noninfectious Disease among the Bhutanese Refugee Population at a United States Urban Clinic. Journal of Minority and Immigrant Health 2014; 16:922 - 5. doi:10.1007/s10903-013-9800-1.
Granada MD, Samaniego SB, Cantey PT, Gall WK, Pastena J, Wormser GP. Pseudo-Roma̱a's Sign Due to Bot Fly Infestation. Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice 2014; 22: 180 - 4. doi: 10.1097/IPC.0b013e3182910363
Eberhard ML, Ostovar GA, Chundu K, Hobohm D, Feiz-Erfan I, Mathison BA, Bishop HS, Cantey PT. Zoonotic Onchocerca lupi Infection in a 22-Month-Old Child in Arizona: First Report in the United States and a Review of the Literature. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2013; 88(3): 601 - 5. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.12-0733.
Cantey PT, Stramer SL, Townsend RL, Kamel H, Ofafa K, Todd CW, Currier M, Hand S, Varnado W, Dotson E, Hall C, Jett PL, Montgomery SP. The United States Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Study: Evidence for vector-borne transmission of the parasite that causes Chagas disease among United States blood donors. Transfusion 2012; 52(9): 1922 - 1030. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2012.03581.x
Cantey PT, Chuk MG, Kohl KS, Herrmann J, Weiss P, Graffunder CM, Averhoff F, Kahn EB, Painter J. Public health emergency preparedness: Lessons learned about monitoring of interventions from the National Association of County and City Health OfficialÕs Survey of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions for H1N1. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 2013; 19(1): 70 - 76. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e31824d4666
Cantey PT, Kurian AK, Jefferson D, Moerbe MM, Marshall K, Blankenship WR, Rothbarth GR, Hwang J, Hall R, Yoder J, Brunkard J, Johnston S, Xiao L, Hill VR, Sarisky J, Zarate-Bermudez MA, Otto C, Hlavsa MC. Outbreak of Cryptosporidiosis Associated with a Man-Made, Chlorinated Lake Û¥ Tarrant County, Texas 2008. Journal of Environmental Health 2012; 75(4): 14 - 19.
Coyle CM, Mahanty S, Zunt JR, Wallin MT, Cantey PT, White AC, OÕNeal S, Serpa-Alvarez J, Southern PM, Wilkins P, McCarthy A, Higgs ES, NashTE. Neurocysticercosis: Neglected but Not Forgotten. PLoS NTDs 2012; 6(5):e1500. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0001500
Cantey PT, Roy S, Lee B, Cronquist A, Smith K, Liang J, Beach MJ. Study of non-outbreak giardiasis: novel findings and implications for research. American Journal of Medicine 2011; 124: 1175.e1 - 8. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2011.06.012.
Cantey PT, Rout J, Rao G, Williamson J, Fox LM. Increasing compliance with mass drug administration programs for lymphatic filariasis in India through education and lymphedema management programs. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2010 4(6); e728. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000728
Fluker, SA, Whalen U, Schneider J, Cantey P, Bussey-Jones J, Brady D, Doyle JP. Incorporating performance improvement methods into a needs assessment: experience with a nutrition and exercise curriculum. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2010; 25(suppl 4): 627 - 33. doi:10.1007/s11606-101-104-z
Cantey PT, Rao G, Rout J, Fox LM. Predictors of compliance with a mass drug administration programme for lymphatic filariasis in Orissa State, India 2008. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2010; 15(2): 224-231. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2009.02443.x
Campo M, Phung MK, Ahmed R, Cantey P, Bishop H, Bell TK, Gardiner C, Arias CA. A woman with HIV, brain abscesses, and eosinophilia. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010; 50: 239-40, 276-77. doi: 10.1086/649538.
Branch, WT, Frankel R, Gracey CF, Haidet PM, Weissmann PF, Cantey P, Mitchell G, Inui TS. A good clinician and a caring person: Longitudinal faculty development enhances the human dimensions of care. Academic Medicine 2009; 84: 117-25. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181900f8a.
Umpierrez GE, Cantey P, Smiley D, Palacio A, Temponi D, Luster K, Chapman A. Primary aldosteronism in diabetic subjects with resistant hypertension. Diabetes Care 2007; 30: 1699-1703.
Cantey PT, Stephens DS, Rimland D. Prevention of cryptococcosis in HIV-infected patients with limited access to HAART: evidence for primary azole prophylaxis. HIV Medicine 2005; 6: 253-59.
Cassoobhoy M, Wetterhall SF, Collins DF, Cantey PT, Iverson CJ, Rudnick JR, del Rio C. Development of an interactive bioterrorism and emerging infections curriculum for medical students and internal medicine residents. Public Health Reports 2005; 120(suppl 1): 59-63. Other Publications
WHO. Integrating neglected tropical diseases in global health and development. Fourth WHO report on neglected tropical diseases. 2017. Geneva, Switzerland. WHO/HTM/NTD/2017.01
WHO. Crossing the Billion. Preventive chemotherapy for neglected tropical diseases. 2017. Geneva, Switzerland.
Cantey P (editor/author for WHO). Progress report on the elimination of human onchocerciasis, 2015 - 2016. Weekly Epidemiological Record 2016; 43: 505 - 514.
Goers M, Ope MO, Samuels A, Gitu N, Akandwanaho G, Nyoka R, Cetron MS, Dalal W, Conroy AL, Cantey P, John C, Naoum M, Weinberg M, Marano N, Stauffer W. Notes from the Field: Splenomegaly of Unknown Etiology in Congolese Refugees Applying for Resettlement to the United States - Uganda 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2016; 65(35): 943 - 4.
Krilov LR, Cantey PT, Burke AP. Cysticercosis among parasitic infections targeted by CDC. American Academy of Pediatrics News 2012; 33: 20.
Carlisle AJ, Cantey P, Wolf MS, Moore JR, Parker RM. Medicine and Compassion: Exploring and Teaching the Art of Medicine in Italy. The New Physician 2010; 59(9). http://www.amsa.org/AMSA/Homepage/Publications/TheNewPhysician/2010/1210medicine_and_compassion.aspx
Ministry of Public Health and Population, Haiti, Pan American Health Organization, CDC. Update: Outbreak of cholera-Haiti, 2010. MMWR 2010; 59(Dispatch): 1 - 5.
Cantey PT, Umpierrez G. Diabetic ketoacidosis. In: Williams et al, eds. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2007.
Cantey PT, Umpierrez G. Inpatient management of diabetes. In: Williams et al, eds. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2007.
Cantey PT and Kripalani S. The value of PSA in prostate cancer screening. UpToDate March 2004.