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Dr. Patricia Ayoung-Chee

Dr. Patricia Ayoung-Chee, MD, MPH, FACS

Dr. Patricia Ayoung-Chee received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Psychology from Johns Hopkins University in 2002. She attended New York University School of Medicine and stayed on to complete her residency training in General Surgery in 2011. She then trained at the University of Washington, Harborview Medical Center, completing a Master’s in Public Health in 2012 and a fellowship in Surgical Critical Care in 2013. She joined the faculty at NYU School of Medicine in 2013 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care. In 2017, she became the Medical Director of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit at NYU Langone – Brooklyn Hospital and Associated Trauma Medical Director in 2018. While at NYU, she served at the site lead for multicenter trials and was one of the clinical surgical leads for the Value-Based Medicine Committee. She was recruited to Morehouse School of Medicine and Grady Memorial Hospital in 2020.


  • General Surgery

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery


  • University of Washington


  • Morehouse

Education & Training

  • Medical School: New York University School of Medicine
  • Residency: New York University School of Medicine


Rodier SG, Bukur M, Moore S, Frangos SG, Tandon M, DiMaggio CJ, Ayoung-Chee P, Marshall GT. Weight-based enoxaparin with anti-factor Xa assay-based dose adjustment for venous thromboembolic event prophylaxis in adult trauma patients results in improved prophylactic range targeting. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. 2019 Aug 30 Epub.

Rodier SG, DiMaggio CJ, Wall S, Sim V, Frangos SG, Ayoung-Chee P, Bukur M, Tandon M, Todd SR, Marshall GT. Subway-Related Trauma: An Urban Public Health Issue with a High Case-Fatality Rate. J Emerg Med. 2018 Aug; 55(2): 165-171.

Lancaster CW, DiMaggio C, Marshall G, Wall SP, Ayoung-Chee, P. Functional Outcomes after Inpatient Rehabilitation for Trauma - Improved but Unable to Return Home. J Surg Res 2018 Feb;222:187-194.

Bhandari M, DiMaggio C, Wilson C, Rifkind K, Ayoung-Chee, P. Prolonged length of stay in delayed cholecystectomy is not due to intraoperative or postoperative contributors. J Surg Res 2017;219:253-258.

Wall SP, Lee DC, Frangos SG, Sethi M, Heyer JH, Ayoung-Chee, P, DiMaggio CJ. The Effect of Sharrows, Painted Bicycle Lanes and Physically Protected Paths on the Severity of Bicylce Injuries Caused by Motor Vehicles. Safety (Basel) 2016 Dec; 2(4)

DiMaggio C, Ayoung-Chee P, Shinseki M, Wilson C, Marshall G, Lee DC, Wall S, Maulana S, Pachter HL, Frangos S. Traumatic Injury in the United States: In-patient epidemiology 2000-2011. Injury 2016 Jul;47(7):1393-403.

Sethi M, Heidenberg J, Wall SP, Ayoung-Chee P, Slaughter D, Levine DA, Jacko S, Wilson C, Marhsall G, Pachter, HL, Frangos SG. Bicycle helmets are highly protective against traumatic brain injury within a dense urban setting. Injury 2015 Dec; 46(12):2483-90

Heyer JH, Sethi M, Wall SP, Ayoung-Chee P, Slaughter D, Jacko S, DiMaggio CJ, Frangos S. Drawing the Curtain Back on Injured Commercial Bicyclists. Am J Public Health. 2015 Oct; 105(10):2131-6

Ayoung-Chee P, Rivara F, Weiser T, Maier R, Arbabi S. Beyond the Hospital Doors: Improving Long-Term Outcomes for Elderly Trauma Patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surgery 2015; 78(4): 837-843

Hakkarainen T, Ayoung-Chee P, Alfonso R, Arbabi S, Flum D. Structure, process, and outcomes in skilled nursing facilities: understanding what happens to surgical patients when they cannot go home. A systematic review. J Surg Res. 2015 Feb; 193(2):772-780

Slaughter D, Williams N, Wall S, Glass N, Simon R, Todd S, Bholat O, Jacko S, Roe M, Wilson C, Levine D, Marshall G, Ayoung-Chee P, Pachter H, Frangos S. A Community Traffic Safety Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Injuries Based on the Catchment Area of a Trauma Center. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014; 76(4): 1103-10.

Ayoung-Chee P, McIntyre L, Ebel B, Mack C, McCormick W, Maier R. Long-term Outcomes of Ground-Level Falls in the Elderly. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014; 76(2): 498-503

Ayoung-Chee P, Mack C, Kaufman R, Bulger E. Predicting Severe Injury Using Vehicle Telemetry Data. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013; 74(1):190-4

Dultz L, Frangos S, Foltin G, Marr M, Simon R, Bholat O, Levine D, Slaughter-Larkem D, Jacko S, Ayoung-Chee P, Pachter H. Alcohol Use by Pedestrians who are Struck by Motor Vehicles: How Drinking Influences Behaviors, Medical Management and Outcomes. J Trauma 2011; 71(5): 1252-1257

Parikh M, Ayoung-Chee P, Romanos E, Lewis N, Pachter HL, Fielding G, Ren C. Comparison of Rates of Resolution of Diabetes Mellitus after Gastric Banding, Gastric Bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion. J Am Coll Surg 2007; 205: 632-635