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Dr. Melody P. Palmore

Dr. Melody P. Palmore, MD

Medical Director, Women's Program Grady Infectious Disease Clinic

My primary interest lies in improving the health and delivery of health care to women living with HIV. I have been priviledged to work in this field for 28 years, and bear witness to the fact that women with HIV continue to bear a significant burden in the HIV epidemic. Many women continue to experience significant barriers to accessing care whether it be cultural, financial, or social. Our work at the Infectious Disease Clinic centers around enhancing the delivery of comprehensive, preventive, and gynecological healthcare, and encouraging and recruiting women to participate and be proactive in their health.


  • Internal Medicine
  • Infectious Disease

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Internal Medicine


  • Thomas Jefferson University Hospital


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
  • Internship: University of Pennsylvania Health System
  • Residency: University of Pennsylvania Health System

Honors & Awards

2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, finalist for Charles C. Shepard Science Award for outstanding publication, Prevention and Control Category

2011 Selected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of five groups to assisst in the develpment of a web-based intervention that will assist in educating community groups on medical adherence

2017 Nomination for the Barbara Vick Award, Emory University Center for AIDS Research in Atlanta, GA


Palmore MP, Swartz AA. Vaginitis. In: Hurst JW, ed. Medicine for the Practicing Physician. 4th ed. Appleton & Lange, 1996: 360-363.

Hart CE, Lennox JL, Pratt-Palmore M, Wright TC, Schinazi RF, Evans-Strickfaden T, Bush TJ, Schnell C, Conley LJ, Clancy KA, Ellerbrock TV. Correlation of HIV-1 RNA levels in blood and the female genital tract. J Infect Dis 1999; 179:871-82.

Gulick RM, Smeaton LM, D’Aquila RT, Eron JJ, Currier JS, Gerber JG, Acosta E, Sommadossi, JP, Tung R, Snyder S, Kuritzkes DR, Murphy RL, for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 373 Study Team. Indinavir, Nevirapine, Stavudine, and Lamivudine for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected, Amprenavir-Experienced Subjects: AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 373. J Infect Dis 2001; 183:715-21.

Ellerbrock TV, Lennox JL, Clancy KA, Schinazi RF, Wright TC, Pratt-Palmore M, Evans-Strickfaden T, Schnell C, Rekha P, Conley LJ, Parrish-Kohler EE, Bush TJ, Tatti K, Hart CE. Cellular replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 occurs in vaginal secretions. J Infect Dis 2001; 184:28-36.

Villanueva JM, Ellerbrock TV, Lennox JL, Bush TJ, Wright TC, Pratt-Palmore M, Evans-Strickfaden T, Conley LJ, Schnell C, Hart CE. The menstrual cycle does not affect human immunodeficiency virus type 1 levels in vaginal secretions. J Infect Dis 2002; 185:170-7.

Goldman M, Cloud GA, Wade KD, Reboli AC, Fichtenbaum CJ, Hafner R, Sobel JD, Powderly WG, Patterson TF, Wheat LJ, Stein DK, Dismukes WE, and Filler SG. "A Randomized Study of the Use of Fluconazole in Continuous versus Episodic Therapy in Patients with Advanced HIV Infection and a History of Oropharyngeal Candidiasis:for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study Team 323 and Mycoses Study Group Study Team 40." Clinical Infectious Diseases 2005; S41:s7:i-S519.

Davies G, Koenig LI, Stratford D, Palmore M, Bush T, Golde M, Malatino E, Todd-Turner M and Ellerbrock T. 'Overview and implementation of an intervention to prevent adherence failure among HIV-infected adults initiating antiretroviral therapy: Lessons learned from Project HEART. AIDS Care." AIDS Care. 2006 Nov; 18(8):895-903.

Koenig LJ, Pals S, Bush TJ, Pratt-Palmore M, Stratford D, and Ellerbrock T. 'Randomized antiretroviral therapy regimen.." Health Psychology 2008 Mar;27(2):159-69.

Anderson AM, Fountain JA, Green SB, Bloom SA, and Palmore MP. "Human immunodeficiency virus-associated cytomegalovirus infection with multiple small vessel cerebral infarcts in the setting of early immune reconstitution." Journal of NeuroVirology 2010; 16:179-184.

Anderson AM, Mosunjac MB, Palmore MP, Osborn MK, Muir AJ, "Development of fatal acute liver failure in HIV-HBV coinfected patients". World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2010 Aug 28;16(32):4107-11

Farber E, Sharma S, Pratt-Palmore M, "HIV Training Manual-HIV Integrated Care: Integrating Mental Health and Substance Abuse assessment and treatment into HIV prevention. Jan 2014. 12. Hackett S, Badell ML, Meade CM, Davis JM, Blue J, Curtin L, CamachoGonzalez A, Chahroudi A, Chakraborty R, Nguyen ML, Palmore,MP Sheth AN. Improved postpartum HIV outcomes after care coordination team intervention Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019