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Dr. Melissa L. Gittinger

Melissa L. Gittinger, DO

I am a board certified emergency physician and medical toxicologist. I completed my emergency medicine residency training at Indiana University School of Medicine and my medical toxicology training at Emory University School of Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I specialize in the care of the acutely ill and injured patient and also the care of the overdosed and poisoned patient. It is an honor and privilege to serve of all of Atlanta’s citizens from all walks of life in my professional roles here at Grady Hospital and the Georgia Poison Center.


  • Emergency Medicine
  • Medical Toxicology

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Emergency Medicine


  • Emory University School Of Medicine


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: Kansas City Univesity of Medicine and Bioscienses
  • Residency: Indiana University School of Medicine


Lim AG, Rudd KE, Halliday M, Hess JR. Hepatic abscess-associated Clostridial bacteraemia presenting with intravascular haemolysis and severe hypertension. BMJ Case Rep. Published online: 01 Feb 2016. doi:10.1136/bcr-2015- 213253

Blain, Michela, Alexander Garrard, Robert Poppenga, Betty Chen, Matthew Valento, and Melissa Halliday Gittinger. "Survival After Severe Rhabdomyolysis Following Monensin Ingestion." Journal of Medical Toxicology (2017)

American College of Emergency Physicians: ACEP Toxicology Section Antidote App Authored sections on Adult and Pediatric Botulinum Antitoxin, 2/2015.

Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association: Emergency Medicine: The Medical Student Survival Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to the Specialty. Irving, TX: Emergency Medicine Residents' Association, Medical Student Committee, 2015. --Authored chapter on Medical Toxicology.

Sympathomimetic Syndrome and CNS Stimulant Toxicity Hughes A, Halliday M. In PEPID V.16.2 [Mobile application software]. 2015. Retrieved from

Halliday, Melissa L. Painful Pustules: The Difficult Derm Diagnosis. A Case Study. EMPulse. 2010; 19(3): 8. Print.

Halliday DO, Melissa L. Physician Advocacy Is Inherent to Professionalism in Academic Emergency Medicine. Letter to the Editor of Academic Medicine. May 2011. Academic Medicine. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2011. Print. ACADMED-D-11-00685.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Tista Ghosh, Rachel Herlihy, Mike Van Dyke, Stephanie Kuhn, Sherry Burrer, Melissa Halliday, Bridget Spelke, Tesfaye Bayleyegn, Amy Wolkin, Lauren S. Lewis, Ethan Fechter-Leggett, Olaniyi Olayinka. (2013, December 13). Notes from the Field: Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Marijuana — Colorado, August–September 2013. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Retrieved from