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Dr. Matthew A. Wheatley

Dr. Matthew A. Wheatley, MD, FACEP

Associate Medical Director - Emergency Care Center; Medical Director - Urgent Care Center; Medical Director - Clinical Decision Unit

I grew up in Southeast Michigan. I attended undergraduate at the University of Michigan and medical school at Wayne State University.

I came to Grady in 2003 as a resident in Emergency Medicine. On my interview and tour, I was impressed with Grady’s mission to the community and its patients. When I finished residency in 2006, staying at Grady as faculty was an obvious choice.

In 2009, I was given the opportunity to be the medical director of the Clinical Decision Unit (ED observation unit). The unit was then seven-beds and had 12 patient care protocols, but quickly expanded to 20 beds and over 20 protocols. The unit now sees over 400 patients per month for asthma, chest pain, cellulitis, strokes, and minor head injuries.

In 2015, I was named Assistant Medical Director of the Emergency Care Center at Grady. I have been involved with the STEMI and stroke programs – coordinating timely care for some of our sickest patients.


  • Emergency Medicine

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Emergency Medicine


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
  • Internship: Emory University School of Medicine
  • Residency: Emory University School of Medicine

Honors & Awards

Chief Resident - Emory Emergency Medicine - 2005-2006

Faculty Member of the Month - Emory University Hospital ED - January 2009

Resident Mentor of the Year - 2015


Leeds IL, Creighton FX, Wheatley MA, Macleod JB, Srinivasan J, Chery MP, Master VA. Intensive medical student involvement in short-term surgical trips provides save and effective patient care: a case review. BMC Research Notes 2011;4:317. ii.

Wheatley MA, Shah B, Morgan B, Houry D, Kazzi Z. Toxicity of Antiretroviral Agents: A Retrospective Analysis of the Georgia Poison Center Database. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2011;12:293-95. iii.

Wheatley MA, Copeland B, Shah B, Heilpern K, Del Rio C, Houry D. Efficacy of an Emergency Department – Based Rapid HIV Screening Program in the Deep South. Journal of Urban Health 2011; 88:1015-1019. iv.

Copeland B, Shah B, Wheatley M, Heilpern K, del Rio C, Houry D. Diagnosing Men Who Have sex with Men: An Emergency Department’s Experience. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2012; 26(4). v.

Ross M, Hockenberry J, Mutter R, Barrett M, Wheatley M, Pitts S. Protocol-Driven Emergency Department Observation Units Offer Savings, Shorter Stays, And Reduced Admissions. Health Affairs 2013 32:2149-2156. vi.

Schrager J, Wheatley M, Georgiopoulou V, Osborne A, Kalogeropoulos A, Hung O, Butler J, Ross M. Favorable Bed Utilization and Readmission Rates for Emergency Department Observation Unit Heart Failure Patients. Academic Emergency Medicine 2013; 20:554-561. vii.

Osborne AD, Weston J, Wheatley M, O’Malley R, Leach G, Pitts S, Schrager J, Holmes K, Ross M. Characteristics of Hospital Observation Services: A Society of Chest Pain Center Survey. Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2013; 12:45-48. viii.

Osborne AD, Ali K, Lowery-North D, Capes J, Keadey M, Hertzberg V, Stroder R, Pitts, S, Wheatley M, O’Malley R, Leach G, Ross, M. Ability of Triage Decision Rules for Rapid Electrocardiogram (ECG) to Identify Patients with Suspected ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2013; 11:211-213. ix.

Peacock F, Beckley P, Clark C, Disch M, Hewins K, Hunn D, Kontos, MC, Levy P, Mace S, Melching KS, Ordonez E, Osborne A, Suri P, Sun B, Wheatley M. Recommendations for the Evaluation and Management of Observation Services. A Consensus White Paper: The Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care. Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2014; 13:163-198 x.

Osborne AD, Farrah H, Wheatley M, Baugh C. There’s Another Observation Unit?: A case Series Survey of Second Level Observation Units.” Crit Pathw Cardiol 2016;15: 26-28. b.

Wheatley M, Baugh C, Osborne A, Clark C, Shayne P, Ross M. A Model Longitudinal Observation Medicine Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Residency. Acad Emerg Med 2016; c.

Wheatley MA, Kennah A, Diner, B. Evidence Based Medicine: Inhaled Corticosteroids for Acute Asthma Following Emergency Department Discharge. Israeli Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2006;6(1):5-9. ii.

Wheatley MA, Heilpern K. Jaundice: An Emergency Medicine approach to diagnosis and management. Emergency Medicine Practice. Volume 10, Number 3; March 2008. iii.

Wheatley MA, Ross M. Care of Neurologic Conditions in an Observation Unit. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2017 Aug;35(3):603-23. iv.

Wheatley MA. Additional Conditions Amenable to Observation. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2017 Aug; 35(3): 701-12. v.

Taylor T, Wheatley MA, Gupta N, Nusbaum J. Jaundice in the Emergency Department: Meeting the Challenges of Diagnosis and Treatment. EmergMed Pract. 2018 April2;20(4 Suppl):1-2. d.

Wheatley MA, Heilpern K. Jaundice. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice 7th ed. Mosby. 2010 ii.

Wheatley MA. Corneal Burn. Rosen and Barkin’s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult 4th ed. LWW. 2011. iii.

Wheatley MA. Hypercalcemia. Rosen and Barkin’s 5-minute Emergency Medicine Consult 4th ed. LWW. 2011. iv.

Wheatley MA. Renal Calculus. Rosen and Barkin’s 5-minute Emergency Medicine Consult 4th ed. LWW. 2011. v.

Wheatley MA. von Willebrand Disease. Rosen and Barkin’s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult 4th ed. LWW. 2011. vi.

Levy P, Wheatley M. Quality and Operational Metrics in Heart Failure. Short Stay Management of Acute Heart Failure. 2nd ed. Springer. 2012. vii.

Wheatley MA, Heilpern K. Jaundice. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice 8th ed. Mosby. 2013. viii.

Wheatley MA, Stroder R. Corneal Burn. Rosen and Barkin’s 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult 5th ed. LWW 2014.