Dr. Foreman is a Professor of Clinical Medicine at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, GA, USA. She initiated the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine clinical services at Grady Memorial Hospital for the Internal Medicine Residency Program in 1992. She is a member of several professional societies including the American Thoracic Society, CHEST, and the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Trained in Respiratory, Genetic, and Environmental Epidemiology at the Channing Institute (now the Channing Division for Network Medicine), Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, her research focuses on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and tobacco-related health disparities. Her current interest is identifying predictors of smoking cessation in high risk groups. She is a site PI for the Genetic Epidemiology of COPD (COPDGene) Study where investigations have shown that early-onset COPD is associated with female sex, maternal factors, and African American race; higher-genetically-determined African ancestry is associated with lower lung function; and in comparison to individuals who do not possess Z alleles, heterozygosity for alpha-1 antitrypsin is associated with greater loss of lung function and increased radiographic emphysema in Non-Hispanic whites and Non-Hispanic African Americans with a history of tobacco smoking.
Dr. Marilyn G. Foreman, MD
- Medicine
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Truman Medical Center-East
- Morehouse
Education & Training
- Medical School: Meharry Medical College School of Medicine
- Internship: Greater Baltimore Medical Center
- Residency: Greater Baltimore Medical Center
Honors & Awards
Faculty of the Year, Department of Medicine, Internal Medicine Residency Program 2015
Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine 2017
Foreman MG, Ten Hoor T, Brown LAS, Moss M: The effects of chronic hepatic dysfunction on pulmonary glutathione homeostasis. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2002; 26(12):1840-1845 PMID 12500108
Foreman MG, Mannino DM, Moss M. Cirrhosis as a risk factor for sepsis and death: analysis of the National Hospital Discharge Survey. Chest 2003;124:1016–1020. PMID 1290032
Tacconelli E, Carmeli Y, Aizer A, Ferreira G, Foreman MG, D’Agata E. Mupirocin prophylaxis to prevent Staphylococcus aureus infections in dialysis patients: a meta analysis. Clin Infectious Dis 2003;37:1629-1638. PMID: 14689344
Foreman MG, Mannino DM, Kamugisha L, Westney GE. Hospitalization for patients with sarcoidosis: 1979 – 2000. Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Diffuse Lung Diseases 2006; 23, 124-129 PMID: 17937108
Dransfield MT, Washko GR, Foreman M, Estepar RSJ, Reilly J, Bailey WC. Gender differences in the severity of CT emphysema in COPD. Chest 2007;132(2):464-470 PMID: 17573503
Foreman MG, DeMeo DL, Hersh CP, Reilly JJ, Silverman EK. Clinical determinants of exacerbations in patients with severe early-onset COPD. Eur Respir J 2007; 30(6):1124-1130 PMID 17715170
Foreman MG, DeMeo DL, Hersh CP, Carey VJ, Fan VS, Reilly JJ, Shapiro SD, Silverman EK. Polymorphic variation in surfactant protein B is associated with COPD exacerbations. Eur Respir J 2008; 32(4):938-944 PMID:18550614 PMCID: PMC2761762
He J-Q*, Foreman MG*, Shumansky K, Zhang X, Akhabir L, Sin DD, Man SFP, DeMeo DL, Litonjua AA, Silverman EK, Connett JE, Anthonisen NR, Wise RA, Pare PD, Sandford AJ. Associations of IL6 polymorphisms with lung function decline and COPD. Thorax 2009 Aug, 64(8):698-704 PMID:19359268 PMCID: PMC2859187
Foreman MG, Pillai S, DeMeo DL, Kong X, Hersh CP, Carey VJ, Litonjua AA, Fan VS, Shapiro SD, Tal-Singer R, Silverman EK. Polymorphisms in the surfactant protein D gene are associated with COPD. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011 Mar;44(3):316-322 PMID: 20448057 PMCID: PMC3095932
Wan ES, DeMeo DL, Hersh CP, Shapiro SD, Rosiello RA, Sama SR, Fuhlbrigge AL, Foreman MG, Silverman EK. Clinical predictors of frequent exacerbations in subjects with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respir Med 2011 Apr; 104(4):588-594 PMID:21145719 PMCID: PMC3046312
Han MK, Curran-Everett D, Dransfield MT, Criner G, Zhang L, Murphy JR, Hansel NN, DeMeo DL, Hanania NA, Regan E, Make B, Martinez FJ, Westney G, Foreman MG. Racial differences in quality of life in COPD. Chest 2011 Nov;140(5):1169-1176 PMID: 21636665 PMCID: PMC3205846
Han MK, Foreman MG. Racial differences in quality of life in patients with COPD, reply. Chest 2011;140(5)1169-1176
Foreman MG, Zhang L, Murphy J, Hansel NN, Make B, Hokanson JE, Washko G, Regan EA, Crapo JD, Silverman EK, Demeo DL; the COPDGene Investigators. Early–onset COPD is associated with female gender, maternal factors, and African American race in the COPDGene Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Aug 15;184(4):414-420. PMID: 21562134 PMCID: PMC3175544
Aldrich MD, Kumar R, Colangelo LA, Williams LK, Sen S, Kritchevsky SB, Meibohm B, Galanter J, Hu D, Gignoux CR, Liu Y, Harris TB, Ziv E, Zmuda J, Garcia M, Leak TS, Foreman MG, Smith LJ, Fornage M, Liu K, Burchard EG for the Health ABC and CARDIA Studies. Genetic ancestry-smoking interactions and lung function in African Americans: a cohort study, PLoS ONE 2012;7(6):e39541 PMID: 22737244 PMCID: PMC3380861
Hansel NN, Washko GR, Foreman MG, Han MK, Hoffman EA, DeMeo DL, Barr RG, Van Beek EJR, Kazerooni EA, Wise RA, Brown RH, Black-Shinn J, Hokanson JE, Hanania NA, Make B, Silverman EK, Crapo JD, Dransfield MT, for the COPDGene Investigators. Racial Differences in CT phenotypes in COPD. COPD 2013 Feb;10(1):20-27 PMID:23413893 PMCID: PMC4321889
Bhatt SP, Young-il K, Wells JM, Bailey WC, Ramsdell JW, Foreman MG, Jensen RL, Stinson DA, Wilson CG, Lynch DA, Make BJ, Dransfield MT. FEV1/FEV6 to diagnose airflow obstruction: comparisons with computed tomography and morbidity indices. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2014 Mar;11(3):335-341 PMID:24450777 PMCID: PMC4028741
Castaldi PJ, Dy J, Ross J, Chang Y, Washko GR, Curran-Everett D, Williams A, Lynch DA, Make BJ, Crapo JD, Bowler RP, Regan EA, Hokanson JE, Kinney GL, Han MK, Soler X, Ramsdell JW, Barr RG, Foreman M, van Beek E, Casaburi R, Criner GJ, Lutz SM, Rennard SI, Santorico S, Sciurba FC, Demeo DL, Hersh CP, Silverman EK, Cho MH. Cluster analysis in the COPDGene study identifies subtypes of smokers with distinct patterns of airway disease and emphysema. Thorax 2014 May;69(5):416-423 PMID: 24563194 PMCID: PMC4004338
Bhatt SP, Wells JM, Kim V, Criner GJ, Hersh CP, Hardin M, Bailey WC, Nath H, Young il-Kim, Foreman MG, Stinson D, Wilson CG, Silverman EK, Make BJ, Dransfield MT. Radiological correlates and clinical implications of paradoxical lung function response to β2 agonists: an observational study. Lancet Respir Med 2014 Nov;2(11):911-918 PMID:25217076 PMCID: PMC4306040
Putcha N, Han M, Martinez C, Foreman M, Anzueto A, Casaburi R, Cho MH, Hanania N, Hersh C, Kinney C, Make B, Steiner R, Lutz S, Thomashow B, Williams A, Bhatt S, Beaty T, Bowler R, Ramsdell J, Curtis J, Everett D, Hokanson J, Lynch D, Sutherland E, Silverman E, Crapo J, Wise R, Regan E, Hansel N. Comorbidities of COPD have a Major impact on clinical outcomes, particularly in African Americans. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis (Miami) 2014;1(1):105-114 PMID:25695106 PMCID: PMC4329763
Criner GJ, Bourbeau J, Diekemper RL, Ouellette DR, Goodridge D, Hernandez P, Curren K, Balter MS, Bhutani M, Camp PG, Celli BR, Dechman G, Dransfield MT, Fiel SB, Foreman MG, Hanania NA, Ireland BK, Marchetti N, Marciniuk DD, Mularski RA, Ornelas J, Road JD, Stickland MK. Executive summary: prevention of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: American College of Chest Physicians and Canadian Thoracic Society Guideline. Chest 2014 Oct 16 PMID: 25320966 PMCID: PMC4388123