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Dr. Lisa B. Haddad

Lisa B. Haddad, MD

Dr. Haddad completed her residency at Brigham and Women’s/Massachusetts General hospital and then her fellowship in family planning at Emory university. Dr. Haddad is currently an Associate Professor of Emory University School of Medicine Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Her research has focus has been at the intersection of family planning and reproductive infectious diseases, where she has contributed 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 1 book chapter and 2 books.


  • Obstetrics and Gynecology

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: State University of New York @ Stony Brook
  • Residency: Brigham and Women's Hospital

Honors & Awards

2004 American Medical Women’s Association Anne C. Carter Student Leadership Award Honorary Citation

2004 Gold Foundation Humanism Honor Society

2005 American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Glasgow Rubin Achievement Citation

2005 Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) – National Honor Medical Society

2005 The Medical Society of the State of New York 2005 Community Service Award in recognition of outstanding contributions and selfless service to the community

2005 Stony Brook University School of Medicine, the 2005 Martin L. Stone, M.D. Award for Excellence in Obstetrics and Gynecology

2007 Humanitarian Studies Initiative for Residents Participant, Harvard School of Public Health

2007 Pitcher Garrett Award: Supporting reproductive health clinical work in Zambia

2010 Outstanding Clinical Science Research Proposal by a Clinical Fellow Emory University School of Medicine Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

2011 Excellence in Clinical Investigation by a Fellow Emory University School of Medicine Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

2012 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award in Research – Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

2013 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award in Research – Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

2015 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award in Research – Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

2015 Recipient of Daniel R Mishell Jr. Outstanding Article Award by Society of Family Planning, #34 in bibliography

2017 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award in Research – Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics


Brown M, Gordon WA, Haddad L. Models for predicting subjective quality of life in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 2000:14(1), 5-19.

Gordon WA, Haddad L, Sliwinski, M, Brown M, Hibbard M. The sensitivity and specificity of self reported symptoms in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 2000:14(1), 21-33.

Hibbard M, Bogdany J, Uysal S, Kepler K, Silver J, Gordon WA, Haddad, L. Axis II Psychopathology in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 2000:14(1), 45-61.

Hibbard M, Gordon W, Flanagan S, Haddad L, Labinsky E. Sexual Dysfunction After Traumatic Brain Injury. Neuro Rehabilitation. 2000:15,107-120.

Findler M, Cantor J, Haddad L, Gordon W, Ashman T. The Reliability and Validity of the SF-36 Health Survey Questionnaire for Use with Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury. 2001:15(8), 715-723.

Brewton LS, Haddad L, Azmitia EC. Colchicine induced cytoskeletal collapse and apoptosis is reversed by S100?. Brain Res. 2001:912(1), 9-16.

Kramer HK, Onoprishvili I, Andria ML, Hanna K, Scheinkman K, Haddad LB, Simon EJ. Delta Opioid activation of the Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade does not require transphosphorylation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases. BMC Pharmacol. 2002;2(1):5.

Gordon WA, Cantor JB, Johanning E, Charatz HJ, Ashman TA, Breeze J, Haddad L, Abramowitz S. Cognitive impairment associated with toxigenic fungal exposure: A replication and extension of previous findings. Appl Neuropsychol. 2004;11:65-74.

Haddad L, Amsterdam A, Chi DS. Celiac disease presenting as a paraneoplastic syndrome in a patient with synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancers: A case report. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 May; 97:704-6.

Chi DS, Eisenhauer EL, Huh J, Haddad L, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda, Y, Levine, DA, Hensley M, Barakat RR. What is the optimal goal of primary cytoreductive surgery for bulky stage IIIC epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC)? Gynecol Oncol. 2006 Nov;103(2):559-64.

Haddad LB, Laufer MR. Thrombocytosis associated with malignant ovarian lesions within a pediatric/adolescent population. J Ped Adol Gyn. 2008; 21(5):243-6.

Haddad L, Delli-Bovi L. Uterine Artery Embolization to treat hemorrhage following second trimester abortion by dilation and surgical evacuation. Contraception. 2009 Jun;79(6):452-5.

Haddad L, Yanow S, Delli-Bovi L, Cosby K, Weitz TA. Changes in abortion provider practices in response to the “Partial Abortion Ban Act of 2003.” Contraception. 2009 May; 79(5): 379-84.

Haddad LB, Curtis KM, Legarty-Williams JK, Cwiak C, Jamieson DJ. Contraception for individuals with Sickle Cell disease: A systematic review of the literature. Contraception. 2012 Jun;85(6):527-37.

Badell ML, Lathrop E, Haddad LB, Goedken P, Nguyen ML, Cwiak C. Reproductive healthcare needs and desires in a cohort of HIV positive women. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2012; 2012:107878.

Haddad L, Gallo MF, Jamieson DJ, Macaluso M. Condom type may influence sexual behavior and ejaculation and complicate the assessment of condom functionality. Contraception. 2012 Oct;86(4):391-6.

Wall KM, Vwalika B, Haddad L, Khu NH, Vwalika C, Kilembe W, Chomba E, Stephenson R, Kleinbaum D, Nizam A, Brill I, Tichacek A, Allen S. Impact of long-term contraceptive promotion on incident pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial among HIV positive couples in Lusaka, Zambia. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 May 1; 63(1):86-95.

Tweya H, Feldacker C, Jahn A, Breeze E, Haddad L, Phiri S. Incidence of pregnancy among women accessing antiretroviral therapy in urban Malawi: A retrospective cohort study. AIDS Behav. 2013 Feb;17(2):471-8.

Khu NH, Vwalika B, Karita E, Kilembe W, Bayingana RA, Sitrin D, Roeber-Rice H, Learner E, Tichacek AC, Haddad LB, Wall KM, Chomba EN, Allen SA. Fertility goal-based counseling increases contraceptive implant and IUD use in HIV-discordant couples in Rwanda and Zambia. Contraception. 2013 Jul;88(1):74-82.

Bicette R, Tenjarla G, Kugarthasan S, Alazraki A, Haddad L. Case report: A 14 year-old girl with recurrent vulvar abscess. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2013 Nov 19;S1083-3188(13)00241-6.

Varma S, Lathrop E, Haddad LB. Pediatric Condyloma Acuminata: A case report. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2013 Dec;26(6):e121-2.

Bryant A, Kamanga G, Stuart GS, Haddad LB, Meguid T, Mhango C. Immediate postpartum versus 6-week postpartum intrauterine device insertion: a feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial, African J Repro Health. 2013. 17(2) 72-79.

Painter J, Cene-Kush C, Conner A, Cwiak C, Haddad L, Mulligan M, DiClemente R. Anticipated HIV vaccine acceptability among sexually active African-American adult women. Vaccines. 2013. 1(2):88-104; doi:10.3390/vaccines102008.

Haddad L, Wall KM, Vwalika B, Khu NH, Brill I, Kilembe W, Stephenson R, Chomba E, Vwalika C, Tichacek A, Allen S. Contraceptive discontinuation and switching among couples receiving integrated HIV and family planning services in Lusaka, Zambia. AIDS. 2013 Oct 27, Suppl 1S93-103.

Haddad LB, Cwiak C, Jamieson DJ, Feldacker C, Tweya H, Hosseinipour M, Hoffman I, Bryant A, Stuart GS, Noah I, Mlundira L, Samala B, Mayne P, Phiri S. Contraceptive adherence and acceptability among HIV-infected women in Malawi: A Randomized controlled trial of the copper intrauterine device and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate. Contraception. 2013 Dec; 88(6):737-43.

Wall K, Haddad L, Vwalika B, Khu NH, Brill I, Kilembe W, Stephenson R, Chomba E, Vwalika C, Tichacek A, Allen S. Rates of unintended pregnancy and predictors among OCP users receiving integrated couples’ voluntary HIV counseling and testing services in Lusaka, Zambia. PLoS One. 2013 Sept; 8(9):e75353.

Lathrop E, Haddad L, McWhorter CP, Goedken P. Self-administration of Misoprostol prior to intrauterine device insertion among nulliparous women: a randomized controlled trial. Contraception. 2013 Dec;88(6):725-9.

Lathrop E, Telemaque Y, Haddad L, Stephenson R, Goedken P, Cwiak C, Jamieson DJ. Three gulps of salty water: emergency contraception in Northern Haiti - knowledge, use and opportunity. International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013 Apr;121(1):60-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2012.11.013. Epub 2013 Jan 16.

Badell ML, Kachikis A, Haddad LB, Nguyen ML, Lindsay M. Comparison of pregnancies between perinatally and sexually HIV infected women- An Observational Study at an Urban Hospital. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013. Epub 2013 Sep 9. ISSN 1098-0997.

Haddad L, Feldacker C, Jamieson DJ, Tweya H, Cwiak C, Bryant AG, Hosseinipour MC, Chaweza T, Mlundira L, Kachale F, Stuart GS, Hoffman I, Phiri S. Medical eligibility, contraceptive choice and IUD acceptance among HIV- infected women on antiretroviral therapy in Lilongwe, Malawi. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2014 Sep;126(3):213-6. Epub 13 May 2014.

Haddad L, Philpott-Jones S, Schonfeld T. Contraception and prevention of HIV transmission: a conflict of public health principles. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. 2015 Jan;41(1):20-3.

Kourtis AP, Ellington S, Pazol K, Flowers L, Haddad L, Jamieson DL. Complications of cesarean deliveries among HIV-infected women in the United States. AIDS. 2014 Nov 13;28(17):2609-18.

Phiri S, Feldacker C, Chaweza T, Mlundira L, Tweya H, Speight C, Samala B, Kachale F, Umpierrez D, Haddad L. Integrating reproductive health services into HIV care: Strategies for successful implementation in a low resource HIV clinic in Lilongwe, Malawi. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. 2016 Jan;42(1):17-23.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwailika B, Khu NH, Brill I, Chomba E, Johnson B, Haddad L, Tichacek A, Allen S. Hormonal contraception does not increase HIV acquisition risk in Zambian women in discordant couples, 1994-2012. Contraception. 2015 Jun; 91(6):480-7. ** Recipient of Daniel R Mishell Jr. Outstanding Article Award by Society of Family Planning.

Haddad L, Feldacker C, Jamieson DJ, Tweya H, Cwiak C, Chaweza T, Mlundira L, Chiwoko J, Samala B, Kachale F, Bryant AG, Hosseinipour MC, Stuart GS, Hoffman I, Phiri S. Pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease prevention practices among HIV-infected women on antiretroviral therapy seeking family planning in Lilongwe, Malawi. PLOSOne. 2015 March; 10(3): e0121039

Haddad L. Philpott S., Schonfeld T. Human rights and clinical ethics are the right framework to address the probable DMPA-HIV interaction: authors’ response. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. 2015 April; 41(2):156-7

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwalika B, Haddad L, Allen S. Authors’s Reply: Hormonal contraception and HIV: Hazards of pronouncing “negative” studies with low power. Contraception. 2015 Sep;92(3):277.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Haddad L, Vwailika B, Lakhi S, Khu NH, Brill I, Chomba E, Mulenga J, Tichacek A, Allen S. Hormonal contraception, pregnancy, breastfeeding and HIV disease progression among Zambian women. JAIDS. 2016 Mar 1;71(3):345-52.

Zaidi M, Haddad L, Lathrop E. Global Health Opportunities in Obstetrics and Gynecology Training: Examining engagement through an ethical lens. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2015 Dec;93(6):1194-200.

Cates J, Westreich D, Edmonds A, Wright R, Colie C, Greenblatt R, Cejtin HE, Karim R, Haddad LB, Kempf MC, Golub ET, Adimora A. The effects of viral load burden on pregnancy loss among HIV-infected women in the United States. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2015; 2015: 362357.Oct 25 Epub ahead of print

Haddad LB, Machen LK, Cordes S, Huylebroeck B, Delaney A, Ofotokun I, Nguyen M, Jamieson DJ. Future Desire for Children Among Women Living with HIV in Atlanta, Georgia. AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2016;28(4):455-9.

Liles I, Haddad LB, Lathrop E, Hankin A. Contraception Initiation in the emergency department: A pilot study of provider’s knowledge, attitudes and practices. Southern Medical Journal. 2016 May; 109(5): 300-4.

Swaims-Kohlmeier A, Haaland RE, Haddad LB, Sheth AN, Evans-Strickfaden T, Lupo LD, Cordes S, Aguirre AJ, Lupoli KA, Chen CY, Ofotukun I, Hart CE, Kohlmeier JE. Progesterone Levels Associate with a Novel Population of CCR5+CD38+ CD4 T Cells Resident in the Genital Mucosa with Lymphoid Trafficking Potential. J Immunol. 2016 May 27. pii: 1502628.

Hatfield-Timajchy K, Brown J, Haddad LB, Chakraborty R, Kourtis AP. Parenting Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in the United States: Challenges, Unmet Needs, and Opportunities. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2016 Jul;30(7):315-23. doi: 10.1089/apc.2016.0067.

Tang JH, Phiri S, Ng’ambi W, Krashin J, Mlundira L, Chaweza T, Samala B, Tweya H, Hosseinipour M, Haddad LB. Factors associated with hormonal and intrauterine contraceptive use among HIV-infected men and women in Lilongwe, Malawi: a cross-sectional study. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2016;2016:5429316. doi: 10.1155/2016/5429316. Epub 2016 Aug 24.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwalika B, Ravindhran P, Htee Khu N, Brill I, Chomba E, Johnson BA, Haddad LB, Tichacek A, Allen S. Hormonal contraceptive use among HIV-positive women and HIV transmission risk to male partners, Zambia, 1994-2012. J Infect Dis. Jul 26, 2016. [Epub ahead of print.]

Haddad LB, Wall K, Mehta CC, Golub E, Rahangdale L, Kempf MC, Karim R, Wright R, Minkoff H, Cohen M, Kassaye S, Cohan D, Ofotokun I, Cohn SE. Trends and factors associated with live-birth and abortion rates among HIV-positive and -negative women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep 15. pii: S0002-9378(16)30786-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2016.09.079. [Epub ahead of print]

Kourtis AP, Haddad L, Tang J, Chinula L, Hurst S, Winer J, Ellington S, Nelson JA, Corbett A, De Paris K, King CC, Hosseinipour, Hoffman IF, Jamieson DJ. A randomized clinical trial of the effects of progestin contraception in the genital tract of HIV-infected and uninfected women in Lilongwe, Malawi: Addressing evolving research priorities. Contemp Clin Trials. 2016 Nov 9;52:27-34.

Nair N, Bellcross C, Martin M, Haddad L, Meaney-Delman D. Georgia Primary Care Providers’ Knowledge of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Syndrome. Journal of Cancer Education. 2017 Mar;32(1):119-124.

Haddad LB, Hoagland AB, Andes KL, Samala B, Feldacker C, Chikaphupha K, Chiwoko J, Kachale F, Jamieson DJ, Phiri S. Influences of fertility decisions among HIV infected persons in Lilongwe, Malawi: a qualitative study. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care. 2017 Jul; 43(3):210-2015

Raziano V, Smoots A, Haddad LB, Wall K. Factors associated with sterilization among HIV-positive US women in an urban outpatient clinic. AIDS Care. 2017 May;29(5):612-617.

Wall KM, Rida W, Haddad L, Kamali A, Karita E, Lakhi S, Kilembe W, Allen S, Inambao M, Yang AH, Latka MH, Anzala O, Sanders EJ, Bekker LG, Edward VA, Price MA. Pregnancy and HIV disease progression in an early infection cohort from five African countries. Epidemiology. 2017 Mar; 28(2):224-232.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwailika B, Haddad L, Lakhi S, Onwubiko U, Khu NH, Brill I, Chavuma R, Vwailika C, Mwananyanda L, Chomba E, Mulenga J, Tichacek A, Allen S. Sustained effect of couples’ HIV counselling and testing on risk reduction among Zambian HIV serodiscordant couples. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2017 Jun;93(4):259-266.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwailika B, Haddad L, Chavuma R, Khu NH, Brill I, Vwailika C, Mwananyanda L, Chomba E, Mulenga J, Tichacek A, Allen S. Risk of heterosexual HIV transmission attributable to sexually transmitted infections and non-specific genital inflammation in Zambian discordant couples, 1994-2012. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2017 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Acosta-Reyes J, Navarro E, Herrera MJ, Goenaga E, Ospina ML, Parra E, Mercado M, Chaparro P, Beltran M, Gunturiz ML, Pardo L, Valencia C, Huertas S, Rodríguez J, Ruiz G, Valencia D, Haddad LB, Tinker SC, Moore CA, Baquero H. Severe neurological disorders in two fetuses with Zika infection in Colombia. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017 Jun 23 (6):982-984.

Kawwass, JF, Smith D, Kissin, DM, Haddad, LB, Boulet,SL, Sunderam,S, Jamieson DJ. Strategies for Preventing HIV Infection among HIV-Uninfected Women Attempting Conception with Infected Men. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017 Jun 2;66(21):554-557.

Iyer SS, Sabula MJ, Mehta C, Haddad LB, Brown NL, Amara R, Ofotokun I, Sheth AN. Characteristics of HIV target CD4 T cells collected using different sampling methods from the genital tract of women at risk for HIV infection. PLOS One. 2017 Jun 1;12(6):e0178193.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwalika B, Haddad L, Htee Khu N, Brill I, Onwubiko U, Chomba E, Tichacek A, Allen S. Optimizing prevention of HIV and unplanned pregnancy in African discordant couples. Journal of Women’s Health. 2017 Aug;26(8):900-910.

Simmons KB, Haddad LB, Nanda K, Curtis KM. Drug interactions between non-rifamycin antibiotics and hormonal contraception: a systematic review. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print].

Painter JE, Temple BS, Woods LAB, Cwiak C, Haddad LB, Mulligan MJ, DiClemente RJ. Theory-Based Analysis of Interest in an HIV Vaccine for Reasons Indicative of Risk Compensation among African American Women. Accepted for publication in Health Education and Behavior. 2017.

Haddad LB, Monsour M, Tepper NK, Whiteman MK, Kourtis AP, Jamieson DJ. Trends in Contraceptive Use Among Privately-Insured HIV-infected and Noninfected Women in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]

Brooks JT, Kawwass, JF, Smith D, Kissin, DM, Lampe M, Haddad LB, Boulet SL, Jamieson DJ. Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy to Prevent HIV Transmission to Women in Couples Attempting Conception When the Man Has HIV Infection — United States, MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017 Aug 18;66(32):859-860.

Tweya H, Feldacker C, Haddad LB, Munthali C, Bwanali M, Speight C, Kachere LG, Tembo O, Phiri S. Integrating family planning services into HIV care: Use of a point-of-care electronic medical record system in Lilongwe, Malawi. Accepted for publication in Global Health Action. 2017 Oct 17, Vol 10 (1). Available at:

Lawley M, Haddad LB, Burley K, Farr SL. Use of contraception among U.S. women reporting postpartum depressive symptoms, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 2009-2011. Accepted for publication in Contraception. 2017.

Davis S, Braykov N, Lathrop E, Haddad LB. Familiarity with long-acting reversible contraceptives among obstetric and gynecology, family medicine and pediatrics residents: results of a national survey and implications for contraceptive provision for adolescents. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2017 Sept 20. [Epub ahead of print]

Schreier, J, Sales JM, PhD, Sheth AN, Lathrop E. Haddad LB. Interest in Multipurpose Prevention Technologies to Prevent HIV/STIs and Unintended Pregnancy Among Young Women in the United States. Accepted for publication in Contraception.

Haddad LB, Tang J, Krashin J, Ng’ambi W, Tweya H, Samala B, Chiwoko J, Chaweza T, Hosseinipour M, Lathrop E, Jamieson D, Phiri S. Factors associated with condom use among men and women living with HIV in Lilongwe, Malawi. Accepted for publication in BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health.

Simmons KB, Haddad LB, Nanda K, Curtis KM. Drug interactions between rifamycin antibiotics and hormonal contraception: A systematic review. Accepted for publication in BJOG. 2017.

Haddad LB, Nour NM. Unsafe Abortion: Unnecessary Maternal Mortality. Rev Obstet Gynecol. 2009; 2(2): 122–126.

Haddad LB, Polis CB, Sheth AN, Brown J, Kourtis AP, King C, Chakraborty R, Ofotokun I. Contraceptive Methods and Risk of HIV Acquisition or Female-to-Male Transmission. Current HIV/AIDS Reports. 2014 Dec;11(4):447-58.

Tarleton J, Haddad LB, Achilles SA. Hormonal contraceptive effects on vaginal milieu. Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports. 2016 March; 5(1):20-29. Published online January 29, 2016.

Rimawi BH, Haddad L, Badell ML, Chakraborty R. Management of HIV Infection during Pregnancy in the United States: Updated Evidence-Based Recommendations and Future Potential Practices. Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016; 2016:7594306. doi: 10.1155/2016/7594306. Epub 2016 Jul 18.

Rimawi BH, Smith SL, Badell ML, Zahedi-Sprung LD, Sheth AN, Haddad L, Chakraborty R. HIV and reproductive healthcare in pregnant and postpartum HIV-infected women: adapting successful strategies. Future Virology. 2016 Aug; 11(8):577-581.

Haddad LB, Wall KM. Do hormonal contraceptives affect women’s susceptibility to HIV. Accepted for publication in Future Virology, 2017.

Haddad LB, Horton J, Ribner BS, Jamieson DJ. Ebola Infection in Pregnancy: A Global Perspective and Lessons Learned. Accepted for publication in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Gordon WA, Johanning E., & Haddad L. Cognitive Impairment associated with exposure to toxigenic fungi (Stachybotrys atra). 2000: Third International Conference on Bioaerosols, Fungi, and Mycotoxins Proceedings.

Haddad L. Tarleton J, Sheth A, Ofotokun I. Contraception for Women Living with HIV. In: Cwiak C and Edelman A, editors Contraception for the Medically Challenging Patient. New York: Springer; 2014. p93-118.

Zieman M, Hatcher RA, Allen AZ, Lathrop E, Haddad L. Managing Contraception 2016. Tiger, Georgia: Bridging the Gap Foundation, 2016

Zieman M, Hatcher RA, Allen AZ, Lathrop E, Haddad L. Managing Contraception 2016. Tiger, Georgia: Bridging the Gap Foundation, 2017 (in Press).

Haddad, LB, Laufer MR. Thrombocytosis associated with malignant ovarian lesions within a pediatric and adolescent population. Presented at American Society of Reproductive Medicine (Oral Abstract Presentation). Providence, RI. October 2007. Fertil Steril. 2007 September;88(S1):S53-S54.

Kottke M, Cwiak C, Bednarek P, Reeves M, Espey E, Goedken P, Haddad L, Lathrop E, Creinin MD. Characteristics of women who fail to return for delayed IUD insertion for post-abortion contraception. Presented at Reproductive Health September 27, 2010; Atlanta, Georgia. Contraception. 2010 August;82(2):203.

Haddad L, Khu HN, Bayingana R, Roeber-Rice H, Strunk S, Allen S. Integration of couples' voluntary counseling and testing and family planning in Kigali, Rwanda. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning, Washington, DC, October 22-24, 2011. Contraception. 2011 September;84(3):324.

Haddad L, Cwiak C, Jamieson D, Feldacker C, Hosseinipour M, Hoffman I, Bryant A, Stuart G, Phiri S. Condom use among HIV-positive women desiring family planning in Lilongwe, Malawi. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning, Washington, DC, October 22-24, 2011. Contraception. 2011 September;84(3):324-325.

Haddad L, Phiri S, Cwiak C, Feldacker C, Hosseinipour M, Hoffman I, Bryant A, Stuart G, Goedken P, Jamieson D. Fertility preferences, unintended pregnancy and contraceptive use among HIV-positive women desiring family planning in Lilongwe, Malawi. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning, Washington, DC, October 22-24, 2011. Contraception. 2011 September;84(3):325.

Vwalika B, Haddad L, Khu NH, Kilembe W, Brunner N, Sitrin D, Allen S. Promotion of long-acting reversible contraception in a strategy for integration of family planning into couples' voluntary counseling and testing in Lusaka, Zambia. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning, Washington, DC, October 22-24, 2011. Contraception. 2011 September;84(3):325.

Wall K, Vwalika B, Haddad L, Htee Khu N, Vwalika C, Kilembe W, Chomba E, Stephenson R, Kleinbaum D, Nizam A, Brill I, Tichacek A, Allen S. Effect of an intervention to promote contraceptive uptake on incident pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial among HIV positive couples in Zambia. Presented at AIDS Vaccine, Boston MA, September 9-12, 2012. Retroviology. 2012 September;9(S2):P211.

Swaims A, Haaland R, Lupo D, Evans-Strickfaden T, Kohlmeier J, Haddad L, Hart C. Intra-epithelial T lymphocytes from the cervical-vaginal mucosa of healthy women contain a majority population of CD4+ cells and express high levels of the HIV-1 co-receptor CCR5. (P3341) Presented at American Association of Immunology Conference. Honolulu Hawaii May 3-7 2013. J Immunol. 2013 May;190(S1):210.2.

Wall KM, Kilembe W, Naw HK, Brill I, Vwalika B, Chomba E, Johnson B, Haddad L, Tichacek A, Allen S. Hormonal Contraception Use and Risk of Female-to-Male HIV Transmission Risk in a Zambian Cohort. Presented HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) 2014. Cape Town, South Africa October 28 - 31, 2014.AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2014 October; 30(S1):A55-A55.

Park B, Haddad LB, Fogelson N. A Prospective Survey of Postoperative Pain and Recovery: A Comparison of Surgical Approaches in Gynecology. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2015 Nov-Dec;22(6S):S205.

Pasteur N, Haddad L, Lathrop E, Rochet R. Obstetrician Opinions of a 2012 Georgia Law Limiting late 2nd Trimester Abortions. Presented at present at American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). San Francisco, CA. May 2-6. 2015. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 May;125(S1):68S.

Liles I, Lathrop E, Hankin A, Haddad LB. Contraception Initiation in the Emergency Department: Providers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning. Chicago, IL. November 13-16, 2015. Contraception. 2015 October;92(4):404.

Stafford JD, Lathrop E, Haddad LB. Health literacy and associated outcomes in post partum period at Grady Memorial Hospital. Presented at American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2016 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. Washington DC, May 14-17, 2016.Obstet Gynecol. 2016 May;127(S1):66S-67S.

Delaney A, Haddad L. HIV-Infected Women’s Motivations for Use of Dual Methods of Contraception. Presented at American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2016 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. Washington DC, May 14-17, 2016. Obstet Gynecol. 2016 May;127(S1):120S.

Lawley M, Farr S, Burley K, Haddad L. Use of postpartum contraception among U.S. women reporting post partum depressive symptoms. Presented at American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2016 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting. Washington DC, May 14-17, 2016. Obstet Gynecol. 2016 May;127(S1):119S-120S.

Kohlmeier A, Haddad L, Haaland R, Lupo D, Ofotokun I, Hart C, Kohlmeier JE. Distinct migratory phenotypes of luminal CD4 T cell subsets in the female genital tract. J Immunol. 2016 May;196(s1):136.11

Wall K, Kilembe K, Vwalika B, Haddad L, Lakhi S, Chavuma R, Khu NH, Brill I, Vwalida C, Mwananyanda L, Chomba E, Mulenga J, Tichacek A, Allen S. Sexual HIV Transmission Risk and Genital Abnormalities in Both Partners of Serodiscordant Couples, Lusaka, Zambia. Presented at HIV Research for Prevention 2016: AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-based Prevention Science (HIVR4P), Chicago, Illinois, October 17 – 21 2016. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2016 October; 32(S1):279.

Sheth, AN, Iyer SS, Sabula MJ, Brown NL, Haddad LB, Mehta CB, Amara RR, Ofotokun I. The Effect of Sampling Strategy on Phenotypic Characteristics of HIV Target Cells in the Female Genital Tract. Presented at HIV Research for Prevention 2016: AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-based Prevention Science (HIVR4P), Chicago, Illinois, October 17 – 21 2016. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 2016 October; 32(S1):306.

Davis S, Braykov N, Lathrop E, Haddad LB. Coverage of long-acting reversible contraceptives in ob-gyn, family medicine and pediatric residency curricula: results of a national survey and implications for contraceptive provision for adolescents. Presented at North American Forum on Family Planning. Denver, Colorado, November 4-6, 2016. Contraception, 2016 October;94(4):427.

Haddad LB, Wall KM, Kilembe W, Vwalika B, Htee Khu N, Brill I, Chomba E, Tichacek A, Allen S. Bacterial Vaginosis modifies the association between Hormonal contraception and HIV acquisition. Contraception. 2017 October; 96(4):264.

Schreier J, Sales J, Sheth A, Lathrop E, Haddad L*. Multipurpose prevention technology product preferences among young women in the United States. Contraception. 2017 October; 96(4):302.

Chen BA, Haddad LB, Achilles SL, Cordes SMD, Bimla Schwartz E. Effect of timing of postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone acetate initiation on breastfeeding continuation and contraceptive use: a randomized trial. Contraception. 2017 October; 96(4):278-79.