Dr. Kathleen R. Gundry has been a practicing radiologist in the area of breast imaging for over 19 years. She is an Associate Professor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine and is the Director of Breast Imaging at Grady Memorial Hospital. Dr. Gundry interprets over 10,000 screening and diagnostic mammograms per year. In addition to performing breast image guided biopsies. She teaches residents and fellows in breast imaging and has mentored research projects with residents. She has lectured throughout the country on all areas of Breast Imaging. She has created patient education materials which have been adopted by multiple facilities. Dr. Gundry oversees the accreditation programs for Breast Imaging and has gained recognition by the American College of Radiology for Grady Breast Imaging as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence. Most notably, Dr. Gundry developed the first radioactive seed localization program in the state of Georgia at Grady in 2014. Dr. Gundry developed the breast MRI programs at both Emory and Grady and has overseen the implementation of both digital and tomosynthesis breast imaging at Grady Memorial Hospital. She hopes to implement contrast enhanced mammography soon. Dr. Gundry has a strong dedication to providing quality care to underserved populations and was the first radiologist to participated in the American College of Pathology Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening Program for the Native American population, South Dakota. She serves on a number of national and regional radiology committees as well as several Grady and Emory committees.

Dr. Kathleen R. Gundry, MD, FACR
Director of Breast Imaging
- Diagnostic Radiology
Board Certifications
- American Board of Radiology
- Mallinckrodt Inst of Radiology
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine
- Residency: Emory University School of Medicine
Honors & Awards
Fellow of the American College of Radiology
Gundry KR, Berg WA. “Treatment Issues and Core Needle Breast Biopsy: Clinical Context”. AJR, 1998;171:41-49.
Gundry KR. “The Application of Breast MRI in Staging and Screening for Breast Cancer”. Oncology, 2005;19:159-169.
Gundry KR, Newell MS, Roberson SF, Wilson C. “Long-term Stability of Marker Clips Placed at Stereotactic Core Biopsy of the Breast” Abstract. Radiology Supplement, 2005.
Getty DJ, D’Orsi CJ, Pickett RM, Newell MS, Gundry KR, Roberson SF, Bates SM. “ Improved Accuracy of lesion Detection in Breast Cancer Screening with Stereoscopic Digital Mammography” Abstract. Radiology Supplement, 2007.
Bowman E, Oprea G, Okoli J, Gundry KR, Rizzo M, Gabram-Mendola S, Manne U, Smith G, Pambuccian S, Bumpers HL. “Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH) of the Breast: A series of 24 Patients” The Breast Journal, 2012; 18:242-7.
Habtes I, Friedman D, Raskind-Hood C, Adams K, Becker ER, D'Orsi CJ, Birdsong G, Gundry KR, O'Regan R, Gabram SG. “Determining the Impact of the United States Mammography Screening Guidelines on Patient Survival in a Predominantly African-American Population Treated in a Public Hospital During 2008” Cancer, 2013; 3:481-7.
D’Orsi CJ, Getty DJ, Pickett RM, Sechopoulos I, Newell MS, Gundry KR, Bates, S, Nishikawa, RM, Sickles EA, Karellas A, D’Orsi EL “Stereoscopic Digital Mammography: Improved Specificity and Reduced Rate of Recall in a Prospective Clinical Trial" Radiology, 2013; 266:81-88.
Farley C, Friedman D, Habtes I, Raskind-Hood C, Adams EK, Becker ER, D’Orsi CJ, Gundry KR, Birdsong G, Gabram-Mendola S “Screening Mammography in a Public Hospital Serving Predominantly African–American Women: A Stage-Survival-Cost Model” Women’s Health Issues, 2015; 4: 322-30
Gundry KR. “Breast Ultrasound: Indications and Findings” Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016: 59: 380-393