Joanna Bonsall, MD, PhD, SFHM is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory University and is the Chief of Hospital Medicine at Grady Memorial Hospital. She completed her undergraduate training at Emory University, and her medical and graduate training at Emory University School of Medicine. She was hired as a hospitalist at Emory University Hospital Midtown in 2009, before transferring to Grady Memorial Hospital in 2017 to establish a hospital medicine group. For her work at Grady, she was awarded the first Emory University School of Medicine Distinguished Service Award in 2018.
Dr. Bonsall has a strong interest in medical education at all levels, from medical students to faculty. She was the Hospital Medicine Associate Division Director for Faculty Development from 2014 – 2019 and is the Clinical Co-director of the MD/PhD program. She has received several teaching awards, including the Deans Teaching Award in 2014. In the Society of Hospital Medicine, she was the chair of the Academic Committee from 2016 – 2019 and co-Directed the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Academic Summits. She also co-directed the Southern Hospital Medicine Conference from 2014 – 2018. Clinically, she is interested in the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia, and lectures nationally on this topic.

Joanna M. Bonsall, MD
Chief of Hospital Medicine
- Internal Medicine
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine
- Residency: Emory University School of Medicine
Honors & Awards
Emory School of Medicine Distinguished Service Award, 2018
Bonsall J, Rehder V. Regulation of chick dorsal root ganglion growth cone filopodia by protein kinase C. Brain Res. 1999. 839:120-132.
Eskildsen M, Bonsall J, Miller A, Ohuabunwa U, Payne C, Rimler E, et al. Handover and Care Transitions Training for Internal Medicine Residents. 2012 MedEdPORTAL; Available from:
Stein J, Payne C, Methvin A, Bonsall J, Chadwick L, Cark D, Castle B, Tong D, Dressler D. Reorganizing a hospital ward as an Accountable Care Unit. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2015. 10:36-40. 4. Adams TN, Bonsall J, Hunt D, Puig A, Richards JB, Yu L, McSparron JI, Shah N, Wiessler J, Miloslavsky EM. Hospitalist perspective of interactions with medicine subspecialty consult services. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2018. Doi: 10.12788/jhm.2882
Brock SC, Bonsall J, Luskin MB. The neuronal progenitor cells of the forebrain subventricular zone: intrinsic properties in vitro and following transplantation. Methods. 1998. 16:268-81.
Bonsall JM, Higgins S, Stevens MB. Care transitions into the hospital: healthcare centers, emergency department, outside hospital transfers. In: McKean S, Ross J, Dressler D, Scheurer D, eds. Principles and Practices of Hospital Medicine, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Section Editor of Transitions of Care, In: McKean S, Ross J, Dressler D, Scheurer D, eds. Principles and Practices of Hospital Medicine, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Smith DT, Bonsall JM, Mayfield MS, DeMoss M, Larson JN, Sayre-Stanhope D, Dressler DD. Development of Hospital Medicine Educators: Design and Implementation of a Physical Diagnosis Course for Physician Assistant Students. JGIM 2013 June; 28 (Supplement1);S458. Innovations in Medical Education.
Bonsall JM, Hughes R, Mosunjac M, Harrison D, Samady H. A rare case of squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder presenting as a metastatic right ventricular mass. Case Report Med. 2010:789609. Epub 2010 Mar 17.
Bonsall J, Dressler DD. ICU-to-Ward Transfers: Time to Lend a Helping Hand(off). Journal Watch Hospital Medicine. 2011 Oct 3 [review].
Bonsall J, Dressler DD. Missing Components in Discharge Summaries to Subacute Care Centers. Journal Watch Hospital Medicine. 2011 Nov 14 [review].
Baptiste G, Alexopoulos A, Masud T, Bonsall J. Levamisole-induced vasculitis in a cocaine user without cutaneous findings: a case report. Case Report Med. 2015: 547023. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
Bonsall J, Dressler DD. How should antibiotics be prescribed to hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia? NEJM Journal Watch. 2016 May 11 [review]. (
Bonsall J, Chopra V. Building an academic pipeline: a combined Society of Hospital Medicine committee initiative. J Hosp Med. 2016 Oct, 11(10):735-736. doi:10.1002/jhm.2627
Bonsall J, Dressler DD. Antibiotic courses for hospitalized pneumonia patients: shorter duration is better. NEJM Journal Watch. 2017 Mar 13 [review]. (
Bonsall J, Dressler DD. Which prognostic tools best predict mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia? NEJM Journal Watch. 2018 Mar 22 [review]. (