Dr. Siegelman is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Associate Residency Director. His academic interests include ophthalmologic emergencies, as well as using simulation for resident education and assessment.

Jeffrey N. Siegelman, MD
- Emergency Medicine
Board Certifications
- American Board of Emergency Medicine
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- Internship: Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine
- Residency: Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine
Tjonahen, E, SF Oh, J Siegelman, S Elangovan, KB Percarpio, S Hong, CN Serhan. Resolvin E2: Identification and Anti-Inflammatory Actions: Pivotal Role of Human 5-Lipoxygenase in Resolvin E Series Biosynthesis. Chemistry and Biology. 2006; 13: 1193-1202.
Serhan, CN, K Gotlinger, S Hong, Y Lu, J Siegelman, T Baer, R Yang, SP Colgan, NA Petasis. Anti-Inflammatory Actions Of Neuroprotectin D1/Protectin D1 And Its Natural Stereoisomers: Assignments Of Dihydroxy-Containing Docosatrienes. Journal of Immunology. 2006; 176(3): 1848-1859.
Rodriguez E, Siegelman JN, Leone K, and C Kessler. Evaluating Professionalism: Summary of the Working Group on Assessment of Observable Learner Performance at the 2012 AEM Consensus Conference on Medical Education. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012; 19(12): 1372-1378.
Siegelman JN, Marill K, and JN Adler. Tachydysrhythmia Treatment and Adverse Events in Patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014; 47(3):357-366.
Siegelman JN, C Woods, and S Heron. Healthcare Disparities Education Using the Implicit Association Test. Medical Education. 2016; 50(11):1158-1159.
Hart D, Bond W, Siegelman J, Miller D, Cassara M, Barker L, Anders S, Ahn J, Huang H, Strother C, Hui J. Simulation for Assessment of Milestones in Emergency Medicine Residents. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2017 Aug 20. doi: 10.1111/acem.13296.
Overman C and JN Siegelman. Chapter 39: Mesenteric Ischemia. In: Practical Emergency Resuscitation and Critical Care, Shah K, et al, eds. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2013, p 261-268.
Siegelman JN. Chapter 6: Laceration Repair. In: Clinical Emergency Medicine. Lange. Sherman, SC, et al, eds. 2014, p 20-23.
Brown K and JN Siegelman. Periodic Paralysis. In: Rosen and Barkins 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult, 5th ed. Schaider J et al, eds. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2014.
Brown K and JN Siegelman. Transplant Rejection. In: Rosen and Barkins 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult, 5th ed. Schaider J, et al, eds. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2014.
Ragwar, A and J Siegelman. Hypertensive Crises. In: Brown D, editor. Scientific American Emergency Medicine. Hamilton (ON): Decker Intellectual Properties; April 2017. DOI: 10.2310/7900.4704.
Howard Z, Siegelman JN, Guterman E, Hayden E, and JA Gordon, eds. Simulation Casebook: Harvard Medical School. https://mycourses.med.harvard.edu/ResUps/GILBERT/pdfs/HMS_7607.pdf, updated 3/2012.
Siegelman JN and C Barthold, eds. Individualized Interactive Instruction Best Practices. https://drive.google.com/open?id=10-xKzR1zqRip0sIm72vv2ctvoxSam3DUkIGvTGWVj2w, updated 5/2016.
Siegelman J, and D Lindberg. Tachycardia in a 61-Year-Old Woman. eMedicine Case Presentations CME. Available at https://cme.medscape.com/viewarticle/702771, May 18, 2009.
Siegelman JN, Kazda G, Lindberg D. Emergencies of the Ear. Emergency Medicine Practice. 2010; 12 (7): 1-20.
Siegelman JN, Warsofsky I, Loukas BN, C Arbelaez. Man with Oropharyngeal Trauma. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2012; 59(5): 350.
Siegelman JN and JS Bohan. Acute-Onset Floaters and Flashes: Is This Patient at Risk for Retinal Detachment?. Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine. 2011;25(10):12.
Siegelman JN and JS Bohan. Infectious Mononucleosis. Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine. 2011;25(11):8.
Siegelman J, DeSandre P, Quest T. Child Death Disclosure - Standardized Patient Case. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10051.
DeSandre P, Siegelman J, Arnovitz P, Quest T. Adult Death Disclosure to a Surviving Spouse. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10207.
Siegelman J. Update from Emory Emergency Medicine. EPIC: The Magazine of the Georgia College of Emergency Physicians. Summer 2015; 9.
Bakhsh A, Morse B, Funderbunk C, Meloy P, Dean K, Siegelman J, and T Taylor. Images in Emergency Medicine: Shot in the Heart. West J Emerg Med. 2016;17(1):84-85.
Santos C, Pomerleau A, Alerhand S, Siegelman JN. Isoniazid poisoning: a pediatric simulation case for emergency medicine residents. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2016;12:10515.Available from: https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10515