Dr. Jeffrey Lennox received his MD from the University of Colorado, then completed training in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC. He joined the Emory faculty in 1994 and served as the Grady IDP Medical Director until 2009. He is currently the Emory Internal Medicine service chief for Grady. His main interest is in improving HIV care and in testing longer-acting HIV therapies.
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Dr. Jeffrey L. Lennox, MD, FIDSA
Chief of Service, Internal Medicine (Emory)
- Internal Medicine
- Infectious Disease
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: University of Colorado School of Medicine
- Internship: Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- Residency: Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Honors & Awards
Clinician Educator of the Year Award from the HIV Medicine Association, 2008