Dr. Jada C. Bussey-Jones received her BS in Sociology and later her MD from Emory University. She currently serves as the Chief of Grady General Medicine and Geriatrics and the Director of Education for Emory’s Urban Health Initiative – leading community-based participatory programing and training of health professionals to improve health and decrease disparities among diverse populations in Atlanta.
Dr. Bussey-Jones has nationally recognized educational expertise in the areas of minority health, health equity, as well as patient and provider education. She has developed several program initiatives addressing health promotion and disease prevention for vulnerable populations. She developed and directed curricula on cultural competence, disparities, and social determinants of health for students, residents and faculty and was recognized with an Educational Innovation Award for this work. She has also chaired the National Disparities Education Task Force for the Society of General Internal Medicine organization and served as editor for a special issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine dedicated to disparities education. In this role, her leadership resulted in an award winning national disparities course, web based educational modules, and two national symposia on disparities at both the Society of General Internal Medicine and at the American Association of Medical Colleges.
Dr. Jada C. Bussey-Jones, MD, FACP
Chief Emory General Medicine and Geriatrics
- Internal Medicine
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- University of North Carolina Hospitals
- Emory
Education & Training
- Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine
- Internship: University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Residency: University of Maryland School of Medicine
Honors & Awards
American Business Women’s Association Award for Community Service, April 2005
American College of Physicians, Georgia Chapter Community Service Award, January 2007
SGIM Best Precourse Award for Health Disparities Education, April 2008
Nanette Wenger Service Award, June 2009
M-PACTful Leader Recognition, August 2012
Selected Leadership Atlanta, Class 2013
Emory University Department of Medicine Educator Impact Award Recipient, 2013
Dean’s Teaching Award, 2013
Society of General Internal Medicine National Award for Mentorship in Education, 2014
Emory General Medicine Ambulatory Best Lecturer Award, 2014
Division of General Medicine “Catalyst” Award, 2014
Student National Medical Association Award 2018
Genao I, Bussey-Jones J, Brady D, Branch W, Corbie-Smith G. Building the Case for Cultural Competence. American Journal of Medical Sciences Vol 326(3), Sept. 2003; 136-140.
Bussey-Jones J, Genao I. Case Report: The Impact of Culture on Health Care. Journal National Medical Association. Vol. 95(8), Aug. 2003; 732-735.
Bussey-Jones J, Genao I, St. George DM, Corbie-Smith, G. Knowledge of Cross-Cultural Issues Among Third Year Medical Students. JNMA. Vol. 97(9), Sept. 2005; 1272-1276.
Bussey-Jones J, Genao I, St. George DM, Corbie-Smith, G. The Meaning of Race: Use of Race in the Clinical Setting. Journal Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. Vol 146, Oct. 2005; 205-209.
Bussey-Jones J, Bernstein L, Higgins S, Malebranche D, Paranjape A, Genoa I, Lee B, Branch W. Repaving the Road to Academic Success: An Alternative Approach to Mentoring. Vol. 81(7), July 2006; 674-679.
Kripilani S, Bussey-Jones J, Katz M, Genao I. A Prescription for Cross-Cultural Education. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 21(10): October 2006;1116.
Smith WR. Betancourt JR. Wynia MK. Bussey-Jones J. Stone VE. Phillips CO. Fernandez A. Jacobs E. Bowles J. Recommendations for Teaching about Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health and Health Care. Annals of Internal Medicine. 147(9): Nov 6. 2007; 654-655.
Henderson G, Garrett J, Bussey-Jones J, Moloney M, Blumenthal C, Corbie-Smith G. Great Expectations: Views of genetic research participants regarding current and future studies. Genetics in Medicine November 2007.
Corbie-Smith G, J Bussey-Jones J, Henderson G, Garrett J, Moloney M, Blumenthal C. Studying Genetic Research Participants: Lessons from the “Learning Abouth Research in North Carolina” Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 17(8): Aug 2008; 2019-24. 10.
Bussey-Jones J, Corbie-Smith G, Henderson G, Garrett J, Moloney M, Blumenthal C. Asking the Right Questions: Views on Genetic Variation Research Among Black and White Research Participants. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 24(3): February 2009; 299-304. 11.
Genao I, Bussey-Jones J, St. George DM, Corbie-Smith, G. Empowering Students with Cultural Competence Knowledge: Randomized Controlled-Trial of a Cultural Competence Curriculum for Third Year Medical Students. Journal of The National Medical Association. 101(12): December 2009; 1241-1247.
Bussey-Jones J, Garrett J, Corbie-Smith G, Henderson G, Moloney M, Blumenthal C. The Role Of Race And Trust In Tissue/Blood Donation For Genetic Research. Genetics in Medicine. 12(2):116-121, February 2010.
Ross P, Wiley-Cene C, Bussey-Jones J, Brown A, Blackman D, Fernandez A, Fernandez L, Glick S, Horowitz C, Jacobs E, Peek M, Wilkerson L, Lypson M. A Strategy for Improving Health Disparities Education in Medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 25 Sup 2:160-163, May 2010.
Gonzalez C, Bussey-Jones J. Disparities Education: What Do Students Want? Journal of General Internal Medicine. 25 Sup 2:102-107, May 2010.
Lypson M, Bussey-Jones J, Glick S, Brown A, Jacobs E. Introduction: Disparities Education Supplement. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 25 Sup 2:79-81, May 2010.
Fluker SA, Whalen U, Schneider J, Cantey P, Bussey-Jones J, Brady D, Doyle JP. Incorporating Performance Improvement Methods into a Needs Assessment: Experience with a Nutrition and Exercise Curriculum. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 25 Sup 4:627-633, September 2010.
Peek ME, Wilson SC, Bussey-Jones J, Lypson M, Cordasco K, Jacobs EA, Brown AF. A study of national physician organizations’ efforts to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities in the United States. Academic Medicine, 87(6), 694-700. 2012
Sikon A, Clay MA, Lypson ML, Gomez A, Kennedy-Malone L, Bussey-Jones J,
JBowen JL. Teaching While Learning While Practicing: Reframing Faculty Development for the Patient Centered Medical Home. Academic Medicine. 88(9), September 2013
Schmidt S, George M, Bussey-Jones J. Welcome to the Neighborhood: Service Learning to Understand of Social Determinants of Health and Promote Local Advocacy. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care (2016) 13(6): 389-390.
Schmidt S, Higgins S, George M, Stone A, Dillard R, Bussey-Jones J. An experiential resident module for understanding social determinants of health at an academic safety-net hospital. MedEdPORTAL. 2017;13:10647. https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10647
Bussey-Jones J, Memories of race and place in the USA. The Lancet - 4 January 2014 (vol. 383, Issue 9911, Page 19) 2.
Lypson M, Bussey-Jones J, Glick S, Brown A, Jacobs E. Disparities in health and health care across a range of populations and conditions. Introduction. Journal of General Internal Medicine. May 2010. 25 Suppl 2(2):S79-81 DOI: 10.1007/s11606-010-1312-2 Bussey-Jones J. Physician’s Role in Health Care Disparities. SGIM Forum. Mar. 2001; 7-8.
Bussey-Jones J. Clinical Updates: Ready for the 2005 National Meeting. SGIM Forum. 28(3). Mar. 2005; 4-5.
Syed Q, Redmond R, Williams J, Genao I, Bussey-Jones J, Essien U, Price-Haywood E. Coping with Bias and Discrimination from Patients: A Primer for Physicians and Administrators. SGIM Forum. 40(12). Dec 2017; 7-10.
Syed Q, Redmond R, Bussey-Jones J, Price-Haywood E, Genao I, Coping with Harassment and Discrimination in Health Care: A Primer for Leadership. SGIM Forum. 41(7). Jul 2018; 1-3. Bussey-Jones J. Insomnia. Book Chapter, Ambulatory Medicine Case Book. Lippincott-Williams 2002; 212-220.
Bussey-Jones J, Corbie-Smith G. Ethnicity in women physicians. Book Chapter, Women in Medicine: Career and Life Management (3rd edition) Springer 2002;93-99.
Smith WR, Bussey-Jones J, Horowitz CR, Whitehurst-Cook M, Chen AH. Case Studies in Health Disparities and Cross-Cultural Care. Book Chapter. Multicultural Medicine and Health Disparities. David Satcher, Rueben Palmies editors. McGraw Hill Publishing 2005; 361-368.
Bussey-Jones J, Genao I, Branch W. Cultural Competence in the Hospital Setting: Communication and Culture. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach. (1st edition) Mark Williams editor. Saunders Elsevier Publishing 2007;15-20.
Higgins S, Bussey-Jones J, Branch WT. Peer Mentoring: A Model for Development of Clinician Educator Faculty in Academic Medicine. Mentoring in Academic Medicine. Holly J. Humphrey, editor. American College of Physicians Press 2010;147-160.