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Dr. Christopher Dente

Christopher J. Dente, MD

Having completed a surgical residency at Wayne State University in 2002 and Surgical Critical Care training at Emory in 2004 and achieving board certification in both specialties, Dr. Christopher Dente has been on Emory’s faculty at Grady Memorial Hospital since 2004. He helped build Emory University’s AAST verified Acute Care Surgery fellowship, which is partially-based at Grady and the Chief of General Surgery for Emory at Grady Memorial Hospital.

In collaboration with the Department of Transfusion Medicine, Dr. Dente led the four-year process of developing and implementing the massive transfusion protocol now in place at Grady. He is also the lead site investigator at Grady’s trauma center for the multi-center Surgical Critical Care Initiative (SC2i), also sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD). SC2i is translating decision-making tools developed by the DoD for the battlefield to civilian critical care. In the process, the participating civilian centers are sharing any revisions back to the DoD so that it may further refine its battlefield procedures.

Since joining the Emory Surgery faculty at Grady, Dr. Dente held leadership positions in the two-year trauma surgery residency/surgical critical care fellowship. Over time, he led the restructuring of the trauma surgery year into an acute care surgery fellowship, which was accredited by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma in 2017. He became one of only 20 AAST approved programs in the country at that time and the only one in Georgia.

While he maintains a very active clinical practice in trauma and general surgery at Georgia’s largest level I trauma center, he has also published multiple manuscripts on a variety of topics in acute care surgery, including his longtime experience with the development and implementation of Grady’s Massive Transfusion Protocol. He has had a recent focus on the creation of biomarker-based clinical decision support tools to aid clinicians in decision making in critically ill and injured patients. He is the current Chair of the Georgia Committee on Trauma and a member of multiple academic societies in his field.


  • Surgical Critical Care
  • General Surgery

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery


  • Emory University School of Medicine


  • Emory

Education & Training

  • Medical School: Medical College of Pennsylvania
  • Residency: Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center

Honors & Awards

2001 Charles Johnson Award for Excellence in Research Presented to the Society (Detroit Surgical Association)

2002 Wayne State University, Department of Surgery, Annual Chief Resident Teaching Award

2003 2nd Place, Resident/Fellow Competition Ga Chapter COT “Penetrating colon trauma: Defining a ‘High Risk’ group for anastomotic complications”

2003 1st Place, Resident/Fellow Competition, Ga Chapter ACS "Management and short-term patency after lower extremity venous injury with various repairs”

2004 1st Place, Clinical Research Paper, Emory Research Day, Resident/Fellow Competition “Penetrating colon trauma: Defining a ‘High Risk’ group for anastomotic complications”

2007 Georgia Chapter Young Surgeon Representative to ACS National Leadership Conference June 3-6, 2007; Washington DC

2009 EAST Leadership Development Scholar (2009-2011)

2014 Woodruff Leadership Academy Fellow, Emory University


Dente CJ, Tyburski JG, Wilson RF, Collinge J, Steffes CP, Carlin A. Ostomy as a Risk Factor for Post Traumatic Infection in Penetrating Colonic Injuries: Univariate and Multivariate Analyses. J Trauma. 2000 Oct; 49(4): 628-37.

Tyburski JG, Astra L, Wilson RF, Dente CJ, Steffes CP. Factors Affecting Prognosis with Penetrating Wounds of the Heart. J Trauma. 2000 Apr; 48(4): 587-91.

Tyburski JG, Dente CJ, Wilson RF, Shanti C, Steffes CP, Carlin A. Infectious Complications Following Duodenal and/or Pancreatic Trauma. Am Surg. 2001 Mar;67(3): 227-231.

Wilson RF, Dente CJ, Tyburski JG. The Nutritional Management of patients with head injuries. Neurol Res. 2001 Mar-Apr; 23(2-3): 121-8.

Dente CJ, Steffes CP, Speyer C, Tyburski JG. Pericytes Augment the Capillary Barrier in In-Vitro Co-Cultures. J Surg Res. 2001 May; 97(1): 85-91.

Tyburski JG, Wilson RF, Dente CJ, Steffes CP, Carlin A. Factors Affecting Mortality Rates in Patients with Abdominal Vascular Injury. J Trauma.2001 June; 50(2):1020-26.

Tyburski JG, Dente CJ, Wilson RF, Steffes CP, Devlin J, Carlin A, Shanti C, Flynn, L. Differences in Arterial and Mixed Venous IL-6 Levels: TheLungs as a Source of Cytokine Storm in Sepsis. Surgery. 2001 Oct;130(4): 748-52.

Parry NG, Feliciano DV, Burke RM, Cava RA, Nicholas JM, Dente CJ, RozyckiGS. Management and Short-Term Patency of Lower Extremity Venous Injuries with Various Repairs. Am J Surg. 2003 Dec; 186(6): 631-5.

Dente CJ, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Cava RA, Ingram WL, Salomone JP, Nicholas JM, Kanakasundaram D, Ansley, JP. A Review of Upper Extremity Fasciotomiesin a Level I TraumaCenter. Am Surg. 2004 Dec; 70(12): 1088-93.

Cash M, Dente CJ, Feliciano DV. Joseph E Murray (1919-): Nobel Laureate 1990. Arch Surg. 2005 Mar; 140(3): 270-2.

Dente CJ, Feliciano DV. Alexis Carrel: Nobel Laureate, 1912. Arch Surg. 2005 June; 140(6): 609-10.

Wyrzykowski AW, Feliciano DV, George TA, Tremblay LN, Rozycki GS, Murphy TW, Dente CJ. Emergent Right Hemicolectomies. Am Surg.2005 Aug; 71(8): 653-7.

Dente CJ, Patel A, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Wyrzykowski AD, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Ingram WL. Suture Line Failure in Intra-Abdominal

Colonic Trauma: Is There An Effect of Segmental Variation in Blood Supply on Outcome? J Trauma. 2005 Aug; 59(2): 359-68.

Dente CJ, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Wyrzykowksi AW, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Ingram WL. The Outcome of Open Pelvic Fractures in the Modern Era. Am J Surg. 2005 Dec; 190(6): 830-5.

Goaley TJ, Dente CJ, Feliciano DV. Torso Vascular Trauma in an Urban Level-I TraumaCenter. PerspectVascSurgEndovascTher. 2006 Jun, 18(2): 1-11.

Rosenthal A, Dente CJ, Norman N, Feliciano DV. The Naso-Subclavian Tube. J Trauma. 2006 Aug, 61(2): 473.

Dente CJ, Ustin J, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Wyrzykowski AD, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Ingram WL. The accuracy of thoracic ultrasound for detection of pneumothorax is not sustained over time: A preliminarystudy. J Trauma. 2007 June, 62(6): 1384-9.

Goaley TJ, Wyrzykowski AD, MacLeod JB, Wise KB, Dente CJ, Salomone JP, Nicholas JM, Vercruysse GA, Ingram WL, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. Can secondary extremity compartment syndrome be diagnosed earlier? Am J Surg.2007 Dec, 194(6): 724-7.

Subramanian A, Dente CJ, Feliciano DV. The Management of Pancreatic Trauma in the Modern Era.SurgClin North Am. 2007 Dec, 87(6): 1515-32.

Tibbs BM, Kopar P, Dente CJ, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. Acetabular and isolated pelvic ring fractures: A comparison of initial assessment and outcome. Am Surg. 2008 June, 74(6): 538-41.

Subramanian A, Vercruysse GA, Dente CJ, Wyrzykowski AD, King E, Feliciano DV. A Decade’s Experience with temporary intravascular shunts at a civilian Level I trauma center. J Trauma.2008 Aug 65(2): 316-26.

Ball CG, Ranson K, Dente CJ, Feliciano DV, Laupland KB, Dyer D, Inaba K, Trotier V, Datta I, Kirkpatrick AW. Clinical predictors of occultpneumothoraces in severely injured blunt polytrauma patients: Aprospective observational study. Injury. 2009 Jan 40(1): 44-7.

Phelan HA, Velmahos GC, Jurkovich GJ…Dente CJ…Cothren CC. An Evaluation of Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography in DetectingPancreatic Injury: Results of a Multicenter AAST Study. JTrauma. 2009 March 66(3): 641-7.

Schwartz JCD, Wyrzykowski AD, Dente CJ, Nicholas JM. The Nephrotic Syndrome: An Unusual Case of Multiple Embolic Events. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2009 Apr-May, 43(2): 207-10.

Shaz BH, Dente CJ, Harris RS, MacLeod JBA, Hillyer CD. Transfusion Management of Trauma Patients. AnesthAnalg. 2009 June, 108(6): 1760-8

Dente CJ, Shaz B, Nicholas JM, Harris RS, Wyrzykowski AD, Patel S, Shah A,VercruysseGA, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Salomone JP, Ingram WL. Improvements in early mortality and coagulopathy are sustained better inblunt trauma patients after institution of a massive transfusion protocol ina civilian level I trauma center.J Trauma 2009 June, 66(6): 1616-25.

Ball CG, Kirkpatrick AW, Rajani RR, Wyrzykowski AD, Dente CJ, Vercruysse GA, McBeth P, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Rozycki GS & Feliciano DV. Temporary intravascular shunts: When are we really using them according to the National Trauma Data Bank?Am Surg2009 July, 75(7): 605-7.

Dente CJ, Wyrzykowski AD, Feliciano DV. Fasciotomy. CurrProblSurg2009 Oct, 46(10): 769-840.

Dente CJ, Shaz BH, Nicholas JM, Harris RS, Wyrzykowski AD, Ficke BW,

Vercruysse GA, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Salomone JP, Ingram WL.Early Predictors of Massive Transfusion in Patients Sustaining Torso Gunshot Wounds in a Civilian Level I TraumaCenterJ Trauma2010 Feb,68(2): 298-304.

Shaz BH, Dente CJ, Nicholas JM, MacLeod JBA, Young AN, Easley K, Ling Q, Harris RS, Hillyer CD. Increased number of coagulation products in relationship to red blood cell products transfused improves mortality intrauma patients. Transfusion 2010 Feb, 50(2): 493-500.

Sullivan PS, Dente CJ, Patel S, Carmichael M, Srinivasan JG, Wyrzykowski AD, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Ingram WL, Vercruysse GA, Rozcyki GS,Feliciano DV. Outcome of Ligation of the Inferior Vena Cava in the

Modern Era. Am J Surg 2010 Apr, 199(4): 500-6.

Ball CG, Wyryzkowski AD, Kirkpatrick A, Dente CJ, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Rozycki GS, Kortbeek JB, Feliciano DV. Thoracic NeedleDecompression for Tension Pneumothoraces: Clinical Correlation withCatheter Length. Can J Surg 2010 June, 53(3): 184-8.

Ball CG, Dente CJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Shah AD, Rajani RR, Wyrzykowski AD,

Vercruysse GA, Rozycki GS, Nicholas JM, Salomone JP, Feliciano DV.Occult Pneumothoraces in victims of penetrating trauma: Does mechanism matter? Can J Surg2010 Aug, 53(4): 251-5.

Ball CG, Navsaria P, Kirkpatrick AW, Vercler C, Dixon E, Zink J, Laupland KB, Lowe M, Salomone JP, Dente CJ, Wyryzkowski AD, Hameed SM, Widder S, Inaba K, Ball JE, Rozycki GS, Montgomery SP, Hayward T, Feliciano DV. The Impact of Country and Culture on End-of-Life Care for Injured Patients: Results of an International Survey. J Trauma 2010, Dec 69(6): 1323-34.

Dente CJ, Feliciano DV. Torso Vascular Trauma in an Urban Level-I TraumaCenter. PerspectVascSurgEndovascTher2011 Mar; 23 (1): 36-46.

Ball CG, Salomone JP, Shaz BH, Dente CJ, Tallah C, Anderson K, Rozycki GS,Feliciano DV. Uncrossmatched Blood Transfusion for Trauma Patients in the Emergency Department: Incidence, Outcomes and Recommendations. Can J Surg 2011, Apr 54(2): 111-5.

MorseBC, Dente CJ, Hodgman EH, Shaz BH, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Salomone JP, VercruysseGA, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. The Effects of Protocolized Use of Recombinant Factor VIIa within a Massive Transfusion Protocol in a Civilian Level I TraumaCenter. Am Surg 2011, Aug 77(8):1043-9.

Hodgman EI, Morse BC, Dente CJ, Mina MJ, Shaz BH, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Salomone JP, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. Base Deficitas a marker of survival after traumatic injury: Consistent across changing patient populations and resuscitation paradigms. J Trauma Acute CareSurg2012, Apr 72(4): 844-51.

Michetti CP, Fakhry SM, Ferguson PL…Dente CJ…Skeete D. Ventilator-associated pneumonia rates at major trauma centers compared with anational benchmark: A multi-institutional study of the AAST. J TraumaAcute Care Surg 2012 May; 72(5): 1165-73.

Watkins CJ, Feingold PL, Hashimoto B, Johnson LS, Dente CJ. Nocturnal Violence: Implications for Resident Trauma Operative Experiences. AmSurg 2012, June 78(6): 657-62.

Morse BC, Dente CJ, Hodgman EI, Shaz BH, Winkler A, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. Outcomes after massive transfusion in non-trauma patients in the era of damage control resuscitation. Am Surg 2012 June 78(6): 679-84.

Goldberg SR, Anand RJ, Como JJ, Dechert T, Dente C, Luchette FA, Ivatury RR, Duane TM. Prophylactic antibiotic use in penetrating abdominal trauma:An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Practice Management Guideline.J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2012 Nov; 73 (5 Supp 4): S 321-5.

Zink JU, MorseBC, VercruysseGA, Dente CJ, Jones YR. Remote Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcal Fasciitis and Myositis: A Rare Complication from Hematogenous Spread of Streptococcal Pharyngitis. Am Surg 2013 Sept; 79 (9): 296-7.

Ball CG, Dente CJ, Kirkpatrick AW, Wyrzykowski AD, Williams BH, Nicholas JM, Shaz B, Laupland KB, Vercruysse GA, Salomone JP, Dixon E,Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. The impact of a mature massive transfusion protocol (1:1:1) on major hepatic injuries: Does it increase abdominalclosure rates? Can J Surg 2013 Oct; 56 (5): E 128-34.

Mina M, Winkler A, Dente CJ.Let technology do the work: Improving prediction of massive transfusion with the aid of a smartphone app.J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013 Oct; 75 (4): 669-75.

McBeth P, Crawford I, Tiruta C, Xiao Z, Zhu GQ, Shuster M, Sewell L, Panebianco N, Lautner D, Nicolaou S, Ball CG, Blaivas M, Dente CJ, Wyrzykowski AD, Kirkpatrick AW. Help Is in Your Pocket: The Potential Accuracy of Smartphone- and Laptop-Based Remotely Guided Resuscitative Telesonography.Telemed J E Health.2013 Dec; 19 (12): 924-30.

Dente CJ, Duane TM, Jurkovich GJ, Britt LD, Meredith JW, Fildes JJ. How much and what type…Analysis of the First Year of the Acute Care Surgery Operative Case Log.J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2014 Feb; 76 (2): 329-39.

Peck GL, Ferrada P, Hanna J, Ferrada R, Dente C, Ordonez C, Aboutanos M, Gracias V. Can we augment the US Trauma Fellow’s Operative Training? The PTS Fellowship: A US Surgical Critical Care Fellow’s Experience in Colombia. Panam J Trauma Crit Care EmergSurg 2014; 3(1): 1-7.

Mathew A, Dente C, Salomone J, Houry D. Texting while driving: Does the new law work among healthcare providers? West J Emerg Med. 2014 Aug;15(5):604-8.

Dewberry L, McCullough CM, Goss J, Hugar LA, Dente CJ, Sharma J.Trauma Capacity in the Central Plateau Department of Haiti. J Surg Res. 2014, Nov; 192 (1): 34-40.

Fitzgerald C, Morse BM, Dente CJ. Pelvic ring fractures: Has mortality improved following the implementation of damage control resuscitation? Am J Surg 2014 Dec; 208(6):1083-90.

Davis KA, Dente CJ, Cothran-Burlew C, Jurkovich GJ, Reilly P, Toschlog E. Refining the curriculum of the acute care surgery fellowship. J Trauma Acute Care Surg2015, Jan 78(1): 192-6.

Duane TM, Dente CJ, Jurkovich GJ, Britt LD, Meredith JW, Fildes JJ, Davis KA. Defining the Acute Care Surgery Curriculum.Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surg 2015, Feb 78(2): 259-63.

Seamon MJ, Haut ER, Van Arendonk K, Barbosa RR, Chiu WC, Dente CJ…Rhee P. An Evidence Based Approach to Patient Selection for Emergency Department Thoracotomy: A Practice Management Guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma.J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015 Jul;79(1):159-73

Forsberg JA, Potter BK, Wagner MB, Vickers A, Dente CJ, Kirk AD, Elster EA. Lessons of War: Turning data into decisions. EBioMedicine. 2015 July; 2(9):1235-42.

Page EK, Gelbard RB, Carney KJ, Wyrzykowski AD, Davis MA, Dente CJ. An unusual case of anorectal avulsion after blunt traumatic injury. Am Surg. 2015 Aug; 81(8):309-11.

Dente CJ, Ashley DA, Dunne JR, Henderson V, Ferdinand C, Renz B, Massoud R, Adamski J, Hawke T, Gravlee M, Cascone J, Paynter S, Medeiros R, Atkins E, Nicholas JM. Heterogeneity in Trauma Registry Data Quality: Implications for Regional and National Performance Improvement in Trauma. J Am Coll Surg. 2016 Mar; 222(3): 288-95.

Peck GL Blitzer DN, Bulauitan CS, Huntress LA, Truche P, Feliciano DV, Dente CJ. Outcomes of distal pancreatectomy for trauma in the modern era. Am Surg. 2016 Jun; 82 (6): 526-32.

Jhunjhunwala R, Dente CJ, Keeling WB, Prest PJ, Dougherty SD, Gelbard RB, Long WB, Nicholas JM, Morse BC. Injury to the conduction system: Management of life-threatening arrhythmias after penetrating cardiac trauma. Am J Surg. 2016 Aug; 212 (2): 352-53.

Morse BC, Mina MJ, Carr JS, Jhunjhunwala R, Dente CJ, Zink JU, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Salomone JP, Vercruysse GA, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV. Penetrating cardiac injuries: A 36-year perspective at an urban, level I trauma center. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2016 Oct;81(4):623-31.

Burlew CC, Davis KA, Fildes JJ, Espisito TJ, Dente CJ, Jurkovich GJ. Acute Care Surgery fellowship graduates’ practice patterns: The additional training is an asset. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Jan;82(1): 208-10.

Cormican MT, Thompson PW, Bernstein SM, Dougherty SD, Dente CJ, Morse BM. Giant pseudocysts of the spleen: A rare sequelae of splenic injury. Am Surg. 2017 Jan; 83(1): 26-27.

Belard A, Buchman T, Forsberg J, Potter BK, Dente CJ, Kirk A, Elster E. Precision diagnosis: A view of the clinical decision support systems (CDSS) landscape through the lens of critical care. J ClinMonitComput. 2017 Apr;31(2): 261-71.

Mina MJ, Jhunjhunwala R, Gelbard RB, Dougherty SD, Carr JS, Dente CJ, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Salomone JP, Vercruysse GA, Feliciano DV, Morse BC. Factors affecting mortality after penetrating cardiac injuries: 10-year experience at an urban level I trauma center. Am J. Surg 2017 Jun; 213(7): 1109-15.

Stevens WT, Morse BC, Bernard A, Davenport DL, Sams VG, Goodman MD, Dumire R, Carrick MM, McCarthy P, Stubbs JR, Pritts TA, Dente CJ, Luo-Owen X, Gregory JA, Turay D, Gomaa D, Quispe JC, Fitzgerald CA, Haddad NN, Choudhry A, Quesada JF, Zielinski MD. Incompatible type A plasma transfusion in patietns requiring massive transfusion protocol: Outcomes of an Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma multicenter study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg.2017 Jul; 83(1): 25-9.

Jurkovich GJ, Davis KA, Burlew CC, Dente CJ, Galante JM, Goodwin JS 2nd, Joseph B, de Moya M, Becher RD, Pandit V. Acute Care Surgery: An evolving paradigm. CurrProb Surg. 2017 July 54(7): 364-95.

Fitzgerald CA, Moore Jr., TJ, Morse BC, Subramanian A, Dente CJ, Patel DC, Reisman WM, Schenker ML, Gelbard RG. The role of diverting colostomy in traumatic open blunt pelvic fractures. Am. Surg 2017 Aug; 83(8): 280-2.

Jhunjhunwala R. Mina MJ, Roger EI, Dente CJ, Heninger M, Carr JS, Dougherty SD, Gelbard RB, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Feliciano DV, Morse BC. Reassessing the cardiac box: A comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between thoracic gunshot wounds and cardiac injury. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Sep; 83(3): 349-55.

Ashley DW, Nicholas JM, Dente CJ, Johns TJ, Garlow LE, Solomon G, Abston D, Ferdinand CH. Successful Incorporation of Performance Based Payments for Trauma Center Readiness Costs into the Georgia Trauma Systm. Am Surg. 2017 Sep; 83(9): 966-71.

Ashley DW, Mullins RF, Dente CJ, Garlow L, Medeiros RS, Atkins EV, Solomon G, Abston D, Ferdinand CH. What are the Costs of Trauma Center Readiness? Defining and Standardizing Readiness Costs for Truama Centers Statewide. Am Surg. 2017 Sep; 83(9): 979-90.

Dente CJ, Bradley M, Schobel S, Gaucher B, Buchman T, Kirk AD, Elster E. Towards precision medicine: Accurate predictive modeling of infectious complications in combat casualties. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2017 Oct; 83(4): 609-16.

Lassiter RL, Ashley DW, Medeiros RS, Adam BL, NeSmith EG, Johns TJ, Atkins EV, Dente CJ, Ferdinand CH. Descriptive analysis of venous thromboembolism in Georgia Trauma Centers compared with national trauma centers participating in the Trauma Quality Improvement Program. Am Surg. 2017 Nov; 83(11): 1283-88.

Malcolm JM, Fox E, Patel D, Dente CJ. Retroperitoneal necrotizing soft tissue infection presenting as a concern for missed hollow viscus injury Am Surg. 2018 Mar; 84(3): 465-66.

Rattan R, Joseph DK, Dente CJ, Klein EN, Kimbrough MK, Nguyen J, Simmons JD, O’Keefe T, Crandall MC. Prevention of all-terrain vehicle injuries: A systematic review from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. (IN PRESS J Trauma Acute Care Surg.)

Johnson L, Nicholas JM, Dente CJ, Chaar M, Perez S, Ball CG, Rozycki GS, Feliciano DV, Wyrzykowski AD. “Management of Extremity Fasciotomy Sites: Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Two Techniques” (IN PRESS, American Journal of Surgery)

“Abdominal Vascular Exposures in Trauma” Dente CJ, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS. Copyright, 2003 AmericanCollege of Surgeons

“Surgeon Performed Ultrasound in Trauma: An Update” Dente CJ General Surgery News, April 2005

“Operative Exposure and Repair for Penetrating Neck Trauma” Rosenthal A, Dente CJ, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS. Copyright, 2005 AmericanCollege of Surgeons

“Ultrasound Guided Interventions in the Intensive Care Unit” Dente CJ Copyright 2006, AmericanCollege of Surgeons

Commentary on Chapter 65: Acute Renal Failure (Author: H Gill Cryer) Dente CJ Trauma, 6th ed.

“Pneumoperitoneum in the intubated patient” Deneve J, Abboushi N, Wyrzykowski AD, Nicholas JM, Dente CJ Am Surg. 2008 May; 74(5): 452-3.

“Collapse of a Thoracic Aortic Stent Graft Following Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation” Rajani R, Dente CJ, Ball CG, Feliciano DV. Am Surg. 2009 July; 75(7): 626-7.

“Trauma to a Horseshoe Kidney” Hannay RS, Dente CJ, Nicholas JM, Wyrzykowski AD, Feliciano DV. Am Surg. 2010 Jun 76(6): 54-6.

“One to One to What? – In Reply” Shaz BH, Young A, Dente CJ, Hillyer CD. Transfusion 50(9): 2067-2068.

“Massive Transfusion: An issue for us all. Dente CJ. Crit Care Med 2016 Mar 44(3): 632-33.

Rozycki GS, Dente CJ. “Ultrasound in Trauma and Critical Care” For: Feliciano et al. (eds): Trauma, 5th ed., 2004.

Parry NP, Dente CJ,Rozycki GS. “Surgeons’ Use of Ultrasound” For: Townsend et al. (eds): Sabiston’sPhysiologic Basis of Surgery, 17th ed., 2004.

Dente CJ, Rozycki GS. “Splenic Salvage: Therapeutic Options” For: Cameron (ed): Current Surgical Therapy, 8th ed., 2004.

Dente CJ,Rozycki GS. “The Surgeon’s Use of Ultrasound in Thoracoabdominal Trauma.” For: Cameron (ed): Current Surgical Therapy, 9th ed., 2008.