Medical Interpreter Academy

About Grady’s Medical Interpreter Academy

Grady’s Medical Interpreter Academy develops qualified language professionals through education, training, and credentialing. We provide real-world training delivered by seasoned hospital interpreters. 

Our curriculum is perfect for your needs, whether you:

  • Are starting your professional career with the required 40-hour Bridging the Gap medical interpreter fundamentals course
  • Want to continue to develop professionally
  • Have the gift of bilingual fluency and want to put it to work
  • Just need CEU’s

A unique interpretation experience

At Grady, you can shadow our professional medical interpreters after you successfully complete our Bridging the Gap medical interpreter fundamentals course. 

New weekend session starts October 5, 2024. Apply for our Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreter Training – 40 Hour Certificate Program today!

The deadline to register is Friday, September 13.


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